Ryan, MindFreedom member, describing coercive psychiatry in Australia
Ryan is a resident of Australia who survived 14-months of an incredible type of involuntary psychiatric drugging: Forced home drugging.
Ryan describes the problems with coercive psychiatry in that country, in very passionate and penetrating words.
In Australia, a psychiatrist can sign a piece of paper and order an individual living peacefully at home out in the community, to have psychiatric drugs against their will. No judge oversight or approval is required.
Such forced home psychiatric drugging is enforced in a variety of ways. In Ryan's case, he had to report every other week to a clinic to have a long-acting injection of a powerful neuroleptic psychiatric drug (often called an "antipsychotic").
Ryan was law-abiding and peaceful, but these "Community Treatment Orders" or "Involuntary Outpatient Commitment" can be used on anyone, even those who are law-abiding and peaceful. Canada, England, Ireland and USA all have similar laws. Those pushing these laws sometimes euphemistically call it "assisted outpatient treatment."
Ryan is a psychiatric survivor who presented at a MindFreedom International forum at the University of Oregon Law School on November 12, 2011. He is introduced by David W. Oaks, Director, MindFreedom International.
Ryan describes the problems with coercive psychiatry in that country, in very passionate and penetrating words.
In Australia, a psychiatrist can sign a piece of paper and order an individual living peacefully at home out in the community, to have psychiatric drugs against their will. No judge oversight or approval is required.
Such forced home psychiatric drugging is enforced in a variety of ways. In Ryan's case, he had to report every other week to a clinic to have a long-acting injection of a powerful neuroleptic psychiatric drug (often called an "antipsychotic").
Ryan was law-abiding and peaceful, but these "Community Treatment Orders" or "Involuntary Outpatient Commitment" can be used on anyone, even those who are law-abiding and peaceful. Canada, England, Ireland and USA all have similar laws. Those pushing these laws sometimes euphemistically call it "assisted outpatient treatment."
Ryan is a psychiatric survivor who presented at a MindFreedom International forum at the University of Oregon Law School on November 12, 2011. He is introduced by David W. Oaks, Director, MindFreedom International.
Erick Fabris, on "Tranquil Prisons"
Erick Fabris is the author of a new book on the controversy of court-ordered forced psychiatric drugging of people in their own homes.
After being forcibly treated in Vancouver in 1993, Erick created Canada's first Psychiatric Survivor Pride Day. He co-founded the NO Force Coalition to oppose involuntary mental health care.
Erick authored a book on psychiatric coercion, which was later submitted in a brief to the Supreme Court of Canada. Erick argues that pre-emptive and surreptitious control of behavior with toxic psychoactive substances is unethical treatment and an unconstitutional restraint.
For more info, visit website at http://www.mindfreedom.org/erick-fabris.
This talk was given at a MindFreedom lecture given at the Knight Law School, University of Oregon, Eugene Oregon, November 12, 2011.
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