Psychiatric Drug Facts via :

“Most psychiatric drugs can cause withdrawal reactions, sometimes including life-threatening emotional and physical withdrawal problems… Withdrawal from psychiatric drugs should be done carefully under experienced clinical supervision.” Dr. Peter Breggin

Jul 26, 2012

Political approval needs no evidence of safety or effectiveness

Health Freedom and Freedom of Speech

I find it more than a little odd that the FDA is so gung-ho on regulating the advertising, the growing and the marketing of raw organic foods, vitamins, and nutritional supplements.  Pretty stark contrast to the failure to regulate the advertising or the marketing of FDA-approved drugs with even half the zeal as they are using regulating non-fatal food 'threats.' This regulatory authority has utterly failed to protect the American people from being harmed by FDA-approved drugs used carelessly and inappropriately, without any evidence to support the prescribing of the drugs; simply because they can be prescribed, "off-label." In this respect, the FDA has caused and allowed patients to become unwitting guinea pigs in the illegal marketing of FDA-approved drugs. Political approval is what the FDA provides when a drug's approval cannot be supported by the scientific evidence.  

The FDA is acting as if it owes no duty whatsoever to the American people.  Blatant evidence of this is how DTC advertisements for SSRI and SSNRI antidepressants were allowed to use the fraudulent claim that depression is caused by a 'chemical imbalance,' to sell depression as a disease; AND to sell the drugs as 'safe and effective' treatment. For some people, the SSRIs and SSNRIs have been safe and effective.  But for others, the drugs did not help, but did harm them--and far too many have been killed, and were uninformed of the risks altogether...

Those huge settlements being obtained by State's Attorneys General and the Department of Justice, in no way benefits the primary, or direct victims not even if they were disabled or killed...

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. ~ Hippocrates 

A poem

An attitude
Held deep within
A wandering wonder
Carried by grace
A willful choice
Strange yet familiar
Life transcends mere survival
Steeped within one's
Viscera, flesh, bone, sinew
Life inhales...exhales...
Gratitude for grace alone
Whether known or naught known

Jul 22, 2012

Dr. Allen Frances vs. Psychiatric Survivor Activism

via MindFreedom:

Surprising Secret Opposition to MFI's Successful Peaceful Protest of Psychiatry on 5 May 2012

When 200 people, mainly psychiatric survivors, protested in front of the American Psychiatric Association... there was something missing. A surprising footnote to the 5 May 2012 protest in Philadelphia reveals that Dr. Allen Frances "vocally opposed" support for the event, behind the scenes.

MindFreedom International News Investigation


Behind-The-Scenes "Vocal Opposition" by Psychiatrist Against MindFreedom International Protest in Philadelphia of American Psychiatric Association's Labeling

Dr. Allen Frances: "Vocal Opposition" to MindFreedom ProtestMindFreedom's historic national protest of the harm done by psychiatric labeling revealed some surprisingly "vocal opposition" to us psychiatric survivors, behind the scenes: 
Dr. Allen Frances (photo on right), supposedly a key critic of the psychiatry's proposed newest label bible, acted to squash support from key allies for the protest.

Dr. Allen Frances vs. Psychiatric Survivor Activism

There we were, enthusiastically preparing to protest peacefully directly in front of the American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting in Philadelphia on 5 May 2012. 
Two hundred of us, mainly psychiatric survivors, came from all over the USA and Canada, listened to speeches, marched in the streets and even tore up our labels directly in front of this gathering of thousands of psychiatrists, to protest their planned new "label bible," their upcoming revised Diagnostic and Statistical Manual - DSM 5. 
But something surprising was revealed by the protest. Or more accurately, something surprising was missing at the protest. Looking back, it seemed we were mainly psychiatric survivors and family members, with only a few psychologists and psychiatrists allies (thank you!). 
It turns out a committee of psychologists opposing psychiatry's new label bible - behind the scenes - pulled announced support for our protest, due to private pressure by that psychiatrist who claims to be a lead critic, Dr. Allen Frances.  read David Oak's report here
hat tip: TallaTrialogue

Jul 21, 2012

Occupy Torrey Tirade

via Holistic Recovery from Schizophrenia:
Summing up the Occupy Torrey Tirade
an excerpt:
"Another great positive from the presentation was the dedicated group of people who showed up to make the point that medications were the real reasons the mental health system and its patients are messed up. What the activists had to say directly contradicted the revisionist history that Dr. Satel was painting. Alaska attorney Jim Gottstein introduced this point, and said that people are dying on average twenty-five years early due to the drugs, and if they're not dead, they are often disabled. Gottstein and others were there to remind Torrey, Satel, and the Heritage Foundation that psychiatry as practiced has victims. Lawyer Diane Engster made a poignant statement directed to Torrey that she followed his advice, she took her drugs, she used to be thin like Dr. Torrey, but she is one hundred pounds overweight and is disabled because of complications from the drugs. She would love to make the kind of money that Torrey and the others do, but she can't work because she swallowed what Torrey was dishing out. Dr. Torrey played with his ear while she was speaking. Maybe he was trying to turn down the volume." read here


by: 10e_lauren

via ImShockGirl:

via The Heritage Foundation

Jul 20, 2012

Friday Funny: I'm Against It

by Ted Chabasinski on Wednesday, July 18, 2012 at 11:19am

(This article appeared in the New York Times on July 25, 2012.)

GlaxoNovartisPfizerLillyMerck (GNPLM), the world’s largest maker of psychiatric drugs, startled the business and mental health communities today by announcing it had appointed Ted Chabasinski as its chief executive officer.  Mr. Chabasinski, a former mental patient who for decades was a sharp critic of the drug industry and psychiatric practices, has no previous business or medical experience. An attorney, he has been best known recently as the Senior Lecturer on Political Correctness for the Demented Killers Liberation Front, a little-known but influential group within the so-called antipsychiatry movement.

A spokesperson for GNPLM said that the company had decided to make the risky choice of appointing Mr. Chabasinski because it recognized that it needed “fresh new ideas” after its annual profit dropped precipitously from $21 trillion in 2010 to $20.1 trillion in 2011.  Furthermore, the company said it was especially alarmed by the large fines levied by regulators for its practice of promoting its psychiatric drugs for unapproved uses, especially for children.  Such fines reached the level of nearly one percent of its profits last year, a situation the GNPLM representative called “tragic.”

There were apparently several advantages the company perceived in appointing Mr. Chabasinski.  One was the improved image the company would acquire by having one of its harshest critics now become its public face.  Another was that Mr. Chabasinski, an American, could better position the company to take advantage of the enormous opportunity presented by the recent revelation of the American Psychiatric Association, a GNPLM subsidiary, that 300 million Americans are mentally ill.

Mr. Chabasinski’s former colleagues in the “antipsychiatry” movement, for the most part, were bitterly opposed to the drug company’s move  But some said they believed that Mr. Chabasinski’s appointment showed that GNPLM had turned over a new leaf. “Let’s not label them and prevent them from making a positive change,” said Charity Moldau, a member of one of the “antipsychiatry” groups. “Let’s have faith in our leaders.”

Reached by satellite phone at the secret headquarters of the Demented Killers Liberation Front  “somewhere on the west coast,” a spokesman for the group, who gave his name only as “Napoleon,” said they were “considering our options.”

“Our lawyers say that Chabasinski was within his rights under the First Amendment to change what he advocates for.  We believe in the First Amendment, and we believe in the Second Amendment too,” he said.  Sounds of gunfire were heard during the conversation with Mr. Napoleon.

Interviewed in his new offices on Grand Cayman Island, Mr. Chabasinski sought to disarm his critics in both the “antipsychiatry” and business communities. He said that both groups could benefit from an alliance.

He pointed out that the consumer groups would benefit by having more and more people taking psychiatric drugs, as there would then be more consumers from which they could recruit.  Furthermore, the consumer movement, which is perceived to have little influence among the young, would now be able to acquire members as young as six months old.

He proposed an alliance between the GNPLM and the consumer movement, whereby GNPLM would provide unrestricted grants to certain nonprofits to provide thousands of jobs for their members. In return, the consumers would do the work formerly done by professional lobbyists and highly-paid representatives, advocating for the use of GNPLM’s medications with younger and younger consumers. 

This outsourcing of the work would benefit both the company and the consumer groups, Mr. Chabasinski pointed out. Consumers, who often have difficulty obtaining employment, would be able to earn minimum wages while making a valuable contribution to society.  On the other hand, besides lowering its labor costs, GNPLM would be insulated from the unreasonable regulatory sanctions it has recently faced, as the advocacy for broadening the use of its products would be done at the grassroots level, with no direct control by the corporation. 

Furthermore, Mr. Chabasinski pledged increased charitable giving to such groups as the National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI), which he pointed out also has recently appointed a consumer as its president.  Reformers within that group have been critical of its funding, which comes entirely from four or five pharmaceutical companies, and have called for funding that is more “diverse.”

Mr. Chabasinski said that his company could provide such diversity, as it has several hundred subsidiaries, shell companies, and interlocking directorates.  Thus, NAMI could be provided with hundreds of smaller grants, lessening its dependence on any one funder.  Mr. Chabasinski said that, “Of course,  the grants would be unrestricted, although we would expect that NAMI will continue with its fine work of promoting our products and advocating for fewer unnecessary legal rights for the poor sick people that our organizations are trying to help.”

Asked how his change in career goals had come about, Mr. Chabasinski said he had had a “near religious experience.” “I was meditating over my bank statement, which showed that in a few months, I was not going to be able to pay my rent.  Deep in thought, I had an epiphany.  Why not sell out and make lots of money?  Now, instead of worrying about money all the time, I can buy anything I want, which adds profound spiritual meaning to my life.” 

Furthermore, Mr. Chabasinski said he was grateful for the example of other pragmatic consumer leaders who had gone the same route.  “I wouldn’t have been able to do this without their inspiration,” he said.  “I chose GNPLM, rather than a federal agency or a private nonprofit, because I thought, why not go to the people who really run the mental health system?”

Mr. Chabasinski is now urging his new employers to sponsor his candidacy for President of the United States. He points out that with the new opportunities that the hundreds of millions of mentally ill people in the United States present to GNPLM, it would be advantageous if the company controls the United States government openly,  rather than through the present indirect arrangement.

Although it is too late to get on the ballot in most states, Mr. Chabasinski says that this can be overcome by GNPLM taking the admittedly bold step of using two or three trillion dollars of its unused profits to pay people to vote for him by writing in his name. He pointed out this is now allowed by a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling extending its Citizens United doctrine that spending unlimited money on elections is a form of free speech.  In GlaxoNovartisPfizerLillyMerck vs. State of Vermont, the court adopted Mr. Chabasinski’s argument that, since Citizens United held that money is just a form of speech, paying people for their votes is no different from persuading them by talking to them.

Whether Mr. Chabasinski persuades GNPLM to take such a bold step or not,  he says he has learned that one thing is clear:

“With enough money, you can get anyone to do anything.”

Ted Chabasinski, J.D. blogger at Mad in America

Jul 18, 2012

I Have A Dream Too


I have a dream  that people labeled with a psychiatric diagnosis enjoy the same basic Human Rights that people who do not take for granted.  I have a dream that Informed Consent for psychiatric treatment and just as importantly, the right to refuse psychiatric treatment will be recognized as a fundamental Human Right that no one can be deprived of.  I have a dream that psychiatrists and other mental health practitioners who commit crimes against the people they stigmatize with psychiatric labels will be prosecuted for the crimes they commit.

I have a dream that Officers of the Law, Judges, Prosecutors and Defense Attorneys stop being co-conspirators who aid and abet crimes that violate the Individual Rights of people with psychiatric labels to Substantive and Procedural Due Process of Law by ignoring the Rules of Evidence, failing to serve Proper Notice and/or file Proof of Service with the Court, and by ignoring Standard Court Procedures.  I have a dream that attorneys will provide Effective Assistance of Counsel to people brought before the Court to have a psychiatric diagnosis legally adjudicated. I have a dream that a vigorous defense is mounted for every person faced with the prospect of being court ordered to forced psychiatric treatment; that attorneys defend clients as if their client's life is at stake; it is.

I have a dream that one day children taught the history of psychiatry will have difficulty believing that teratogenic drugs, ECT, and psychosurgery were "treatments" forced upon people under color of law "for their own good." I have a dream there will no longer be any inhumane psychiatric treatment.

I have a dream that this terrible history will serve as a warning:
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
George Santayana

 I have a dream that one day my son's health will be restored. 
I have a dream that people the world over dream with me.

First published 1-17-2011

Jul 17, 2012

Child Endangerment In the Custody of the State

"I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. 
We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. 
Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." ~ Elie Wiesel

via hope4kidz

via The National Coalition on Child Protection Reform:

"At the heart of the criticism of family preservation is one overriding assumption: If you remove a child from the home, the child will be safe. If you leave a child at home the child is at risk. In fact, there is risk in either direction but real family preservation programs have a better record for safety than foster care.

"And even when families don’t get special help, two huge studies have found that children left in their own homes typically do better than comparably-maltreated children placed in foster care.

"To understand why, one must first understand one fundamental fact about foster care: It’s not safe.

"On every measure, children left with their own homes did better than comparably maltreated children placed in foster care. And that was true even though birth families generally got only the conventional “help” offered by child welfare agencies, not the exemplary interventions supported by NCCPR. 16

"When University of Minnesota researchers compared children left in their own homes with comparably-maltreated children placed in foster care, they too found that the children left in their own homes did better, even when the birth families got little or no help at all. 17" here

via The Northwest Foster Care Alumni Study:
“Most children in foster care, if not all, experience feelings of confusion, fear, apprehension of the unknown, loss, sadness, anxiety, and stress. Such feelings and experiences must be addressed and treated early to prevent or decrease poor developmental and mental health outcomes that ultimately affect a child’s educational experience and the quality of adulthood. Systemic orientation for all children entering foster care is proposed as a preventative intervention that addresses associated experiences of children in foster care.” here

Intervention currently means prescription of teratogenic, psychiatric drugs, this is a no substitute for meeting the physical, emotional and social needs of children and adolescents. In reality, the effects of the drugs often prevent them from learning to cope with not having their needs met; and prevents recovery.   

It is entirely understandable that a child removed from their family feel traumatized, and may have behaviors that are difficult to deal with. It is traumatic in and of itself to be taken from a familiar environment and placed in an unfamiliar environment with strangers. Children’s feelings are expressed through their actions; behavior due to feelings of confusion, loss and anxiety is often disruptive and perceived as dysfunctional. The behavior often is the natural response to the traumatic effects of being placed in strange surroundings; it is an attempt to cope. The trauma is made worse when child welfare workers prevent the child from having contact with parents or other family members; it amounts to intentionally causing unquantifiable emotional damage to a vulnerable confused child who has been removed from their home.

In the case of this child, Rachel, who was not abused or neglected and only exhibited behavioral problems as a direct result of Child Welfare’s removal from her home, feelings she was not helped to cope with about events which were beyond her ability to control or understand. She was instead, further traumatized by multiple placements and drugged with dangerous drugs in an effort to control her undesirable behavior that was a logical and natural consequence of what was done to her. The cause of her behavior was not addressed. I am certain given her age, she would have felt as if she was being punished—and in reality she must have felt rejected by the adults who were ‘taking care’ of her. This effectively invalidated her emotional distress and at her age, the events would have in all likelihood been perceived by her to have been her fault. Events which were beyond her ability to understand and cope with, caused her to misbehave and instead of addressing the root cause of her difficulties she was drugged with dangerous drugs to extinguish her behavior which was in all reality her desperate attempt to cope!

How can it have been in Rachel’s best interest to neglect a child’s emotional need for security and attachment by denying visits with her parents? Instead of addressing the cause of this pre-schooler’s emotional and behavioral difficulties, she was given neuroleptic drugs not FDA approved and not without very serious risks for harm. Child Protective Services operates in a manner that is detrimental more often than not. Children are removed from parental custody without Substantive Due Process, violating both the child’s and the parent’s Constitutional Rights.

Why this child was removed? Child welfare policy clearly states, “The removal of a child from biological parents requires a substantiation of maltreatment (sexual, physical, or neglect), not just an exposure to it (Pew Commission on Children in Foster Care, 2003). Maltreatment, such as neglect, and the removal from parents (foster care) are traumatic events that can affect the immediate and future developmental and mental health of children (Bowlby, 1998) Child welfare and foster care programs are not effectively protecting the children removed from their homes—six times as many children are killed by caregivers in foster care the than are killed by family members. Child Welfare authorities acknowledged that Rachel had been neither abused or neglected. Sadly, she's been neglected and abused by people who had a duty to protect her.

Obviously, parents using illicit drugs is not something to be condoned. It is equally plain that granting Police powers and broad authority to Child Welfare workers who either ignore or do not even know or understand Due Process of Law is a Constitutional Right that they have a duty to preserve when "protecting children." In this case Child Welfare workers were grossly negligent and did not protect her; they traumatized and grievously harmed her.  It was acknowledged the reporter states that neither neglect or abuse was suspected; yet she was removed from her parents' custody, and an attempt was made to terminate her parents' rights--absent abuse and/or neglect that Federal Law requires for the state to deprive parents of their parental rights...  

I am only speculating, but I would be willing to bet this child was put on drugs because the Federal Child Welfare program allows for a higher rate of reimbursement for 'special needs' children; Rachel was worth more drugged.  The attempt to terminate her parents rights if successful, could have 'earned' the child welfare system of Texas $6,000. from the Federal government.  This sort of exploitation of children is happening in every state.  The other thing that I noticed in this report, is due to the initial removal from her parents as an infant, the child welfare department got into trouble for their neglect and for not following up on a Judge's order to seek medical attention for Rachel---It is my personal experience that child welfare workers retaliate against parents who have been successful in having them personally, or the child welfare department in general, accountable for past negligence.

Former Georgia State Senator, Nancy Schafer, prior being slain along with her husband in their garage; was on a mission to address the criminal manner in which state child welfare workers through the Federally-funded Child Welfare System removes children form their homes while abdicating their legal duty to preserve the Individual Rights to Procedural Due Process of Law of the children and their parents. Advocating for the abolition of CPS, Schafer rightly declared that matters of Law, i.e. the investigation of suspected criminal behavior; is best left to Law Enforcement. Officers of the Law are trained to conduct investigations, while preserving Individual Rights to Procedural Due Process of Law. Child welfare workers are not trained in investigative techniques, and do not seem cognizant that they are violating the rights of the children and their parents by failing to conform even to their own guidelines and policies while exercising what are in effect, police powers.  As is all too common, in this case, those involved removed a child who was not in imminent danger.  Worse, once they had legally kidnapped Rachel they did not even attempt to meet her fundamental emotional and developmental needs. Child Welfare abused and neglected Rachel after taking her from parents whom they knew did neither... 

Sadly, Rachel's  case is not unique.  On the 6th of this month I posted "The failure to protect foster children and children on Medicaid."  Those of you who read this blog regularly know that my son Isaac was abused, neglected and used in Drug Trials without consent; and he is now profoundly disabled.  What happened to my son, and what was done to Rachel is more than a failure to protect; it is the deliberate infliction of harm. In my son's case, Child Welfare workers violated both our Constitutional Rights; and no one has ever been held accountable.  More than a million dollars in Child Welfare and Medicaid Fraud were committed; I'm lucky my son is alive. Trust me, I am grateful. But, I am angry to have learned that what was done to my son was no anomaly. It has been devastating to discover it's being done to children every single day in every single state onf the Nation; and only in an infinitesimal number of cases is anyone ever held responsible.  This has to stop--it is destroying families.  It is literally disabling and killing children.  These crimes are being committed by public servants who are acting on our behalf.    Nancy Schafer videos 

In cases of neglect and abuse that result from a child welfare staff's actions/inaction, we allow the  people to keep their jobs and give them pensions for their 'service.'  Psychiatric drugging of children in distress is criminal--as both my son's and Rachel's cases clearly illustrate. How many children are we going to allow unethical professionals to drug to death with impunity?  How many are we willing to allow to be disabled, because we are sure it's not our problem to solve?  We have, as a society paid a steep price for allowing mental health and social service systems to exploit children in distress.  But the price we pay is nothing compared to the price paid by the children who are now dead.  It is negligible in comparison the price my son continues to pay for the crimes committed which victimized him as a child. The toll continues to climb with the passage of time.  Because he is an adult who is disabled because of the crimes committed against him as a child, he is vulnerable and can not effectively protect himself. What horrifies me is the people who are directly responsible including those who committed felony crimes are or were public servants working for Yakima County, the State of Washington and Central Washington Comprehensive Mental Health. I don't want revenge or retribution. It would not help my son who is 6'3" and 280 pounds to feel safe; I want my son to be able to trust people, not just his family.  I don't believe he will be able to feel safe without Justice being served.  I don't believe he's safe; and that's a heavy burden for a mother to bear...    

"The price of apathy towards public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." ~ Plato

Jul 16, 2012

Neurotrauma and Psychological Health Project and Cooperative Studies

Violating the Hippocratic Oath and the Oath to preserve and defend the Constitution.

via Stars and Stripes:

Army, VA partner for PTSD drug study

"An Army office at Fort Detrick and a veterans program are teaming up to study drugs that could help treat combat-related post-traumatic stress disorder.

"The U.S. Army Medical Materiel Development Activity's Neurotrauma and Psychological Health Project Management Office has signed an agreement with the Department of Veterans Affairs Cooperative Studies Program that will help guide the studies, which could begin in about a year.

"Clinical studies at locations across the U.S. will take an additional 24 to 36 months to complete, according to Maj. Gary Wynn of USAMMDA, which is based at Fort Detrick.

"We're not just looking to do a study, we're looking to do a program," Wynn said.

"Wynn, a research psychiatrist who also works at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, is chairing the effort for the Department of Defense.

"The goal is to identify drugs already on the market that may help in treating PTSD and seek U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval for their specific use in treating the disorder, Wynn said. In some cases, health care providers may already be using certain drugs off-label to help, Wynn said, but they are not approved for use.

"Providers have found certain drugs help aspects of (PTSD), but nothing has been studied to the FDA level," Wynn said.

"Only two drugs, paxotene, known as Paxil, and Zoloft, are approved for the treatment of PTSD, Wynn said.

"The disorder's symptoms include flashbacks, loss of sleep and nightmares. Its cause is unknown, according to the National Institutes of Health.

"Studies have shown that 10 to 15 percent of soldiers who deploy in a given year may develop PTSD, Wynn said.

"Researchers are eyeing 10 to 20 drugs that might be helpful for treatment, Wynn said, including Seroquel, an antipsychotic, and Lunesta, which is used to treat insomnia." here

This announcement comes less than three months after the Army Surgeon General and Army Medical Command warned doctors against using psychotropic drugs for PTSD; citing fatal risks and lack of efficacy.

The question is why is the DoD and the Department of Veterans Affairs partnering to study drugs that are known to have fatal risks when it is known the drugs are not effective treatment for PTSD? The answer is given by Major Gary Wynn; a psychiatrist, who reports the purpose of the drug trials will be to, "seek U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval for their specific use in treating" PTSD.  This is not a valid ethical purpose for conducting a drug trial using human subjects. It is what is referred to as a 'seeding trial,' the primary purpose of which is to expand the market for a particular drug; or in this case, multiple drugs.  Why is the US Government planning on conducting and paying for research which is obviously unethical, and plainly nothing more than a part of the pharmaceutical industry's drug marketing strategy?

Why is the DoD and Veterans Affairs not announcing that it is going to make it a priority to fund the type of treatment that has empirical evidence of being effective for treating PTSD?  Apparently, ensuring that the military continues to be a source of revenue long term for the pharmaceutical industry takes precedence over providing effective non-lethal treatment for our troops with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Major Gary Wynn is a psychiatrist and is going to head this project.  Since the drugs are already known to be ineffective, and multiple warnings have been issued cautioning against using them to treat PTSD due to risk of fatality and the drugs inefficacy; it is a violation of the ethical guidelines of the medical profession, to even prescribe them for PTSD. "First, do no harm..." These drug trials are not for the primary benefit of the troops who have PTSD. It is obvious that the preservation and defense of the individual rights; i.e. Constitutional Rights, of the troops who will be used as research fodder in what is clearly Human Experimentation is not even a concern; it's morally reprehensible. 

last month in Navy Times:
DoD cracks down on off-label drug use
"The message from Air Force Lt. Gen. Brooks Bash informed White that U.S. Central Command had decided in March to remove the powerful antipsychotic drug Seroquel from its approved formulary list." here

via Air Force Times: 
Army launches study of PTSD meds
By Patricia Kime - Staff writer
Posted : Tuesday May 8, 2012 16:21:49 EDT

"Military and Veterans Affairs Department physicians often prescribe medication to ease the symptoms of combat-related post-traumatic stress disorder, even though only two antidepressants — Paxil and Zoloft — are approved specifically by the Food and Drug Administration to treat the disorder.

"But little data exists on which “off-label” medications work and which don’t.

"The Army is hoping to change this, launching a major research initiative next year on the effectiveness of commonly prescribed medications for PTSD.

"Speaking at the American Psychiatric Association meeting in Philadelphia on Monday, Army Maj. Gary Wynn of the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research and Col. David Benedik, associate director for the Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, said the service will start clinical trials next year to evaluate commonly prescribed PTSD medications such as the antidepressant Cymbalta, mirtazapine, prazosin, and atypical antipsychotics like Seroquel." 

via NextGov Broken Warriors April 25, 2012:


"The Army Surgeon General's office is backing away from its long-standing endorsement of prescribing troops multiple highly addictive psychotropic drugs for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder and early this month warned regional medical commanders against using tranquilizers such as Xanax and Valium to treat PTSD.

An April 10 policy memo that the Army Medical Command released regarding the diagnosis and treatment of PTSD said a class of drugs known as benzodiazepines, which include Xanax and Valium, could intensify rather than reduce combat stress symptoms and lead to addiction.

The memo, signed by Herbert Coley, civilian chief of staff of the Army Medical Command, also cautioned service clinicians against prescribing second-generation antipsychotic drugs, such as Seroquel and Risperidone, to combat PTSD. The drugs originally were developed to treat severe mental conditions such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. The memo questioned the efficacy of this drug class in PTSD treatment and cautioned against their use due to potential long-term health effects, which include heart disorders, muscle spasms and weight gain."  read here

via NextGov Broken Warriors August 2011: 
"Over the past decade, the Veterans Affairs Department spent $717 million for an anti-psychotic drug to treat post-traumatic stress disorder that a recent study shows is no more effective than a placebo."

"While the paper on risperidone published earlier this month reported the results of the first large trial measuring the effectiveness of second-generation anti-psychotics in the treatment of PTSD, previous research found little evidence the drugs were effective and VA's own clinical practice guidelines, first published in 2004, when the department spent $66 million on risperidone and $56 million on Seroquel, warned against using the drugs to treat PTSD." here

In 2011 it was announced that Venlafaxine became a "First- Line Treatment" for PTSD even though it is not FDA approved to treat PTSD.

via Clinical Psychiatry News 3-11-11
Venlafaxine Becomes First-Line PTSD Therapy in Latest VA Guidelines

"The new Veterans Affairs/Department of Defense (VA/DoD) evidence-based guidelines strongly recommend that all adults with PTSD be offered pharmacotherapy with a first-line agent. That means either an SSRI, for which the strongest evidence of benefit exists for sertraline, paroxetine, and fluoxetine, or a serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI), among which venlafaxine has the strongest supporting evidence, said Dr. Villarreal, a psychiatrist at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, and the New Mexico VA Health Care System." here

American Veterans: They Made It Back Alive To Die Here At Home

US Marine Corp Printable Flag PictureArmy Printable Flag PictureAir Force Printable Flag PictureVietnam Veterans Printable Flag PictureNavy Printable Flag PictureUSMC Free Downloadable Marines Desktop Background

This was first posted on October 25, 2010.  Updated on 7-16-2012  Almost every day I see a veteran who is experiencing PTSD as a result of fighting for Our Country.  We as a Nation owe them our gratitude and support.  I wish I could do more.

It is a National disgrace.  Our walking wounded returning from the fields of battle in Iraq and Afghanistan suffering from PTSD, for which they receive "treatment" that may be "standard practice;" but it is not evidence-based. It is actually deadly for some.

Report to Army Surgeon General on veterans dying in their sleep by Fred Baughbam, Jr. M.D., on 1.94MB pdf

Link to article in Washington Times of a family taking their concern to Capital Hill:

via Navy Times:
DoD cracks down on off-label drug use

By Patricia Kime - Staff writer
Posted : Thursday Jun 14, 2012 10:01:04 EDT
A letter landed in Stan White’s mailbox in Cross Lanes, W.Va., in April.
It began: “On behalf of the men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces … I extend my sincerest and deepest sympathy for the loss of your sons.”
But the note wasn’t simply a condolence. The message from Air Force Lt. Gen. Brooks Bash informed White that U.S. Central Command had decided in March to remove the powerful antipsychotic drug Seroquel from its approved formulary list.
Under the new rules, CENTCOM doctors now must request a waiver if they write a prescription for Seroquel, also known as quetiapine.
The change is a small victory for White, who had already lost one son to combat and has sought restrictions on the drug he believes contributed to the death of a younger son.
Marine Cpl. Andrew White died Feb. 12, 2008, at age 23 from a lethal combination of medications prescribed for post-traumatic stress disorder, mainly clonazepam, quetiapine and paroxetine — the latter two known to sometimes affect the heart’s regular rhythm. read here

They fought for us; it is time the American people fight for them and their families' right to the truth, and our Veteran's rights to the kind compassionate care required to achieve victory here at home over the harms suffered abroad.  Write your state and US Senators and Representatives take a stand for our returning heroes.

A special thanks to Duane Sherry for sharing this resource Patriot Outreach:

Primum non nocere

via Mad in America:
The Taint of Eugenics in NIMH-Funded Research Today November 25, 2011 by Robert Whitaker
an excerpt:

"Today, as a society, we would never conclude that we hold “eugenic” ideas about the “mentally ill.” Eugenics became a discredited science at the end of World War II, when it became evident that Hitler had risen to power on a eugenics agenda, and that this grading of humans—into the fit and unfit—had led to the Holocaust. Yet, it is easy to see today that our modern research agenda encourages eugenic conceptions of the mentally ill and encourages the adoption of policies that rob people so diagnosed of their basic rights." read here
via FearLoathingBTX: January 24, 2011 Posted by Carl :
"Harriet Washington explains how the United States is failing to protect research subjects."

I realized years ago the truth stated in the above sentence.  My son is disabled after having been repeatedly traumatized by an unethical psychiatric researcher using treatments that were not approved for children.  Ultimately, these events are what compelled me to write this blog. Psychiatric diagnosis and "medical treatment" were in reality, inhumane mistreatment of my son.  He grew up being victimized by professionals who violated his human dignity, his human rights and caused him grave harm.  I know my son's experiences are not unusual.  It is not an uncommon Real World Outcome for a person with a psychiatric diagnosis, to be left disabled by psychiatric treatments used in standard clinical practice.

via Health and Human Services   

The Belmont Report

Office of the Secretary

Ethical Principles and Guidelines for the Protection of Human
Subjects of Research

The National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects
of Biomedical and Behavioral Research

April 18, 1979

A couple excerpts: 

Part B: Basic Ethical Principles

"In most cases of research involving human subjects, respect for persons demands that subjects enter into the research voluntarily and with adequate information. In some situations, however, application of the principle is not obvious."

Part C: Applications

C. Applications
Applications of the general principles to the conduct of research leads to consideration of the following requirements: informed consent, risk/benefit assessment, and the selection of subjects of research.
1. Informed Consent. -- Respect for persons requires that subjects, to the degree that they are capable, be given the opportunity to choose what shall or shall not happen to them. This opportunity is provided when adequate standards for informed consent are satisfied. 
While the importance of informed consent is unquestioned, controversy prevails over the nature and possibility of an informed consent. Nonetheless, there is widespread agreement that the consent process can be analyzed as containing three elements: information, comprehension and voluntariness.
(emphasis mine)
The Belmont Report explicitly states the requirements for researchers who perform studies involving human subjects to comply with  Federal Law, The Code of Federal Regulations (45 CFR 46).   It is plain that these protections are not, and have never been  in fact effectively preserved or protected for people with a psychiatric diagnosis.  There is no way anyone could provide "Informed Consent" without being informed that all Psychiatric diagnoses, pharmacological or other mental health "treatment" protocols, algorithms and recommendations, e.g."Practice Parameters;" and standards of care are codified in committee by consensus, a quasi-democratic process; not a scientific endeavor. 

Psychiatry claims it is a "medical specialty," yet many of it's standard practices, including the standards guiding treatment using teratogenic, psychotropic drugs, are not supported by empirical data. It is without an ethical scientific foundation.  As a result, psychiatry cannot adhere to the ethical principles of medicine.   Psychiatric research and clinical practice violates patients rights under Federal Law as a matter of course.  In effect, and in fact,  psychiatric practice denies Human Research Protection to psychiatric patients, since treatment without solid empirical support is in fact, experimental treatment.  Psychiatrists and advocates alike claim these protections are not needed, and are not in psychiatric patient's best interest; some even claim these Human Rights are not relevant or meaningful to psychiatric patients.   CFR 46 and the Nuremberg Code, protect all people; even, (perhaps especially) people who have a psychiatric diagnosis.  The Nuremberg Code was developed to prevent the types of Crimes Against Humanity that were committed by psychiatrists in Europe leading up to and during WWII; why have we not enforced these Human Rights protections AT ALL in the United States?
Robert Whitaker's article points out that the NIMH is funding psychiatric research as if it is a scientific fact that mental illnesses are genetic, biological manifestations of a disease process.  This is merely a hypothesis, it is not even a validated theory, let alone a medical certainty... The NIMH list of 10 research advances do not include even one psycho-social or cognitive behavioral advance. Could this be an intentional owversight? Whether it is or is not intentional, it is irresponsible and unethical. It is a bias that is very telling, at the very least.  

The American Psychiatric Association, the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, the National Institutes of Mental Health and the Food and Drug Administration work in concert with Big Pharma to stifle dissent, discourage open academic inquiry and debate, and deny the harm done to patients as a result of their medical malfeasance. 

NIMH funded research is often not conducted or reported ethically.  The "medical professionals" who are Key Opinion Leaders and Educators, and paid consultants obfuscate the truth about the validity and reliability of psychiatric diagnoses; the etiology of psychiatric symptoms and mental illnesses; and then deny the negative effects of their subterfuge, their diagnoses, and their treatments.  This not medicine, e.g. "first, do no harm..."  Deception is not ethical, moral, or scientific; dishonesty serves no therapeutic, or medical purpose.  The purpose of this prevarication is to deceive; a deception with the underlying intent to change or direct individual and societal behavior.  It is fraud.  Stigmatizing people, including children given a psychiatric diagnosis and enlisting their families assistance in coercing treatment compliance; the primary goal is to maintain psychiatric authority, but never actually earning trust or respect.  It is fraud, not the ethical practice of medicine.  Fraud is illegal for good damned reason.  Doctors should never perpetrate fraud to "practice medicine." Obviously,  doctors who rely on deception, coercion and other social control strategies are criminals. 

Eugenics Building picture credit

Nuremberg Code picture  credit

Human Experimentation credit

first posted 1-25-2012


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