Psychiatric Drug Facts via :

“Most psychiatric drugs can cause withdrawal reactions, sometimes including life-threatening emotional and physical withdrawal problems… Withdrawal from psychiatric drugs should be done carefully under experienced clinical supervision.” Dr. Peter Breggin

Oct 8, 2014

American Injustice Public Pretenders

I went to see my so-called "advocate;" that is, my court appointed Public Defender, Timothy Cotterell. To say the man does not appear even a little bit interested in mounting an ethical defense for me, is putting it mildly. It is more than abundantly clear to this farmer's daughter the man appears to be more interested in covering his proverbial mal-practicing ass while perhaps cooperating with the Yakima County Prosecutor's Office than mounting an ethical defense to ethically serve the best interests of his client, Becky Murphy. One can readily see why I have serious problems with such a legal advocate entrusted with one's defense.

It was nearly impossible to even get in touch with my court appointed attorney---there is no way to leave a voice mail message at the phone number he gave me. His office was difficult to find, it is not at the Office of Assigned Counsel the only address listed on the paperwork informing me who my attorney is. My attorney does not keep regular office hours, nor does he have a receptionist. What is most disturbing is my attorney, Timothy Cotterell, instructed me to contact him by telephone to arrange a court date to ask Yakima County Superior Court ot release me on my own recognizance after my arraignment on September 8, 2014. In spite of Cotterell's instructions, I was unable to reach him by telephone the entire time I was incarcerated at YCDOC from August 22, 2014 until September 30, 2014. When Cotterell finally came to see me on September 26, 2014, after he received my SOS letter begging for his help---it was the first contact I'd had with Mr. Cotterrell since my arraignment on September 8th! Incredibly, Mr. Cotterell informed me at this legal visit that he, "doesn't accept calls from the County Jail..." proclaiming, "he'd never get any work done!?!"  I was mistreated horribly by multiple guard staff while attempting to contact my attorney as my attorney had instructed. I was unable to leave any messages, since I was unable to reach my attorney by telephone as he had instructed; because MY ATTORNEY was NOT taking MY PHONE calls...My Attorney WAS NOT scheduling a court date as he had promised to ask for my release at all.

I was held in solitary at YCDOC being repeatedly victimized by abusive guard staff one of whom named Paz, repeatedly (mis)informed me that because I was incarcerated, I had NO individual RIGHTS whatsoever, except for the "Right to Remain Silent" telling me I needed to, "shut the fuck up." Why such unprofessional and illegal misconduct is goes uncorrected and is in fact covered up by co-workers who become co-conspirators by covering for their co-worker's misconduct is beyond my understanding. I was totally shocked that Paz's co-worker, Groeger, told me to, "Shut up or I'll shut you up" and laughed uproariously when she threatened to use her Tazer on me. I was shocked because before that Saturday night, I had never seen or heard Groeger do or say anything that was not entirely professional. The fact I could hear Groeger and Paz laughing presumably, because I had urinated and defecated on myself, served only to add insult to injury...

The Mission of the Yakima County Department of Corrections is to actively contribute to the safety and wellness of the citizens of Yakima County by providing a safe, secure and humane correctional environment.

Ed Campbell
Director of the Department of Corrections
111 North Front Street
Yakima, Washington 98901

 I don't need to have anyone but God to have my back. The Grace of God is sufficient. Thank you Dad for demonstrating this spiritual axiom for me by the way you lived your life.


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