Psychiatric Drug Facts via :

“Most psychiatric drugs can cause withdrawal reactions, sometimes including life-threatening emotional and physical withdrawal problems… Withdrawal from psychiatric drugs should be done carefully under experienced clinical supervision.” Dr. Peter Breggin

Feb 6, 2012

'mental illness' is unlike any other illness

Dr. Bejamin Rush's 'Tranquilizer Chair 1811

THE beginning of  STIGMA--occurs when the degree of empathy, true acceptance, hope and love communicated both verbally and non-verbally--by EVERYONE--towards the person with a diagnosis, is absent, contrived or superficial.  Whether one has genuine respect, or has positive regard for another human being (or not) is expressed not only by our speech, but tone of voice, volume, the words that are used, facial expression, posture and gestures made.  People with psychiatric labels, even those who supposedly lack insight, are WAY more aware of any judgement, lack of acceptance, compassion and respect that is transmitted in our voiceless communication than the average 'normal' person; IMHO.  Obviously, people with a psychiatric diagnosis are easily harmed by lack of acceptance and respect; particularly when it is family members and mental health professionals who don't show them loving kindness,   acceptance.  Peter Breggin has said for a therapist to be helpful, the therapist and patient must have a positive regard  for one another.  This is true for all relationships, I believe.

It is not possible to convey any genuine regard and respect for a person, to gain their trust, and develop a therapeutic relationship with a person with a psychiatric diagnosis in a 15 minute 'medication management' appointment.

Why do some psychiatrists seem to have so little regard for the distressed humans they treat?   All that is discussed are the drugs and the effects the drugs may have---there is, in reality no real 'connection' or 'relationship' between the diagnosed and the 'doctor,'  if doling out of prescription drugs is the basis of the relationship.  When communicating by rote, which is what is necessary when doing a 'med check,' it is perfuntory and sterile; although this is considered professional objectivity or distance, it is not necessarily perceived as therapeutic or respectful by the patient.  A psychiatrist's relationship with a patient based on med checks, does not foster trust; at least not in in my own or my son's experience---why would it?  Being a 'mental health' professional of any sort, does not mean that those who come to you do not need you, the professional, to actually earn trust!  The fact is, I have met so many who seem to have the notion that being 'the professional' is all that is required, and seem to believe that having a medical license should be enough to magically inspire a person's trust and garnt unquestioning confidence in their professional authority; it is not.   

If the patient does not believe they are heard, or even feel as if the professional listened to them when they complain about the negative effects of the drugs prescribed, and the complaints voiced are minimized or dismissed altogether, this naturally breeds mistrust.   People with a psychiatric diagnosis who are also labeled with a lack insight are aware when their doctor does this, and when a doctor acts as if they are not important enough to listen to, they will logically assume it is due to a lack of respect for them.  The fact is, every person with a diagnosis of schizophrenia I have ever met was in fact cognizant of an almost universal lack of respect and lack of positive regard of mental health professionals which is apparently considered acceptable among bio-psychiatry devotees in the mental health treatment field; it is definitely pervasive. Apparently, because of the assumption that people with certain diagnoses lack insight, it is considered acceptable practice to minimize or disregard complaints; to not really pay attention to their subjective experiences, or value  the patients' understanding of what "the problem" is.  As a result, the necessity of trying to  develop a therapeutic relationship with them based on mutual respect and positive regard is not even considered or attempted.  It is more than strange to say the least, that people who are diagnoised with conditions that are poorly defined, and not very well understood, in such a negative manner. 

The main purpose the additional label of anosognosia appears to serve is being used as a justification for  treating those lableled with it as if they are less than worthy of being heard, understood, or even listened to, because after all, they don't know what they are talking about, they lack insight...This supposed lack of insight psychiatry has attached is used as an excuse to continue to prescribe the teratogenic drugs which the patients say cause them harm, and some say do not help them at all. It is used to convince their loved ones that they must help to coerce treatment compliance, and must also mimimize and dismiss complaints, i.e. don't listen to or even believe the person with the diagnosis.  The anosognosia label serves to inform the uninformed in the general public.  Once one believes that people who have certain psychiatric diagnoses are also lacking insight, they will then be less likely to listen to a person in distress, accept and/or have positive regard for the person, they will be biased by their belief the person has no insight, and will become more likely to dismiss and disregard the person.  The label is, in a manner of speaking, a gaslighting of an entire group of people; that encourages people to automatically dismiss anything the person says if a patient with the diagnosis says the drugs make them sick, or cause them to feel traumatized, unable to function---because after all, according to the experts those are just the unpleasant but tolerable side effects of necessary medical treatment. No matter what, drugs are to be taken---even by those who are not experiencing an appreciable reduction in symptoms that justifies the inherent serious risks of taking the teratogenic drugs.  It is this way the people that psychiatry claims have the additional diagnostic label of anosognosia, are effectively de-voiced; and are  denied any choice. The patient's perspective is not considered at all, nor are the direct detrimental effects of the drugs, or the detrimental effects of a professional's lack of respect, positive regard, and lack of compassion for the person to whom they are treating.

Psychiatry according to the medical model, does not acknowledge that these drugs do not actually help a significant percentage of those with a diagnosis of schizophrenia, (or other diagnoses!)  It is psychiatry that will not redact fraudulently conducted or reported research from it's professional journals.   The lack of scientific standards and medical ethics is evidence of the lack of respect and positive regard for people diagnosed as mentally ill whom they serve, and who are presumably to benefit from their expert treatment.  This lack of respect emanates from this biomedical attitudinal bias, it is the root cause of, and the very source of the stigma of a psychiatric diagnosis.  It is attached to the psychiatric diagnostic label; it begins when a diagnosis is bestowed as a life sentence: you have a disease with no cure, you just don't know it because you lack insight. Psychiatry has been using it for well over a hundred years: e.g. you have a disease or defect that requires medical treatment with neurotoxic drugs, and electrical shocks, have only replaced psycho-surgery, insulin comas, ice-water baths.  The thing is, the claim has, intentionally or not, always serves to justify treating people as less than fully human, or worthy of ordinary civility, respect, and human compassion;  and it still does. 

The outright falsehoods about symptoms of distress and behavioral difficulties has been taught to society by the 'professionals,' along with the lies about what is and is not known about the drugs themselves.  This is how stigma became entrenched in our society with the distorted 'psycho-education' which psychiatry provided as a public service.  In spite of these falsehoods being recognized and are now 'common knowledge,' the biomedical devotees in psychiatry are arrogant and defensive; unwilling to acknowledge that the source of any mistrust of psychiatry as a profession is a direct result of their own outrageous, entrenched biases and their arrogant, irresponsible, and unethical behavior.   In light of the academic and financial fraud and the Real World Outcomes of their victimized patients, this mistrust is entirely justified.

This is a profession who seemingly does not understand that if a person wishes to be trusted, the individual must be trustworthy; a medical license does not in fact confer trustworthiness; it only authorizes the individual to practice medicine.  If a profession wants to be trusted, ethical and moral standards must be adhered to; mistakes made need to be acknowledged, consequences experienced and corrective action taken.  Being trustworthy does not require perfection.   It requires being willing to admit when you are wrong, and understanding that you are only the patient's partner/assistant/guide/healer with an ethical duty to serve the patient; including being able to admit when you do not know something.  One needs to encourage hope and  independence; or more accurately, a healthy interdependence.  Declarations that a diagnosis is indicitive of  disease accompanied by implied inter-personal superiority and an abusing one's medical authority, are behaviors not worthy of trust. Heavy reliance upon consensus, subjective opinions, anecdotal evidence and one's innate biases serves to discourage and inhibit a patient's chances for healing and achieving s ustained emotional growth; it fosters and unhealthy dependence upon others, and encourages a self-stigmatizing negative sense of self-worth.  It is anathema to the role of a healer.  

It should be obvious, but there can be no trust built or ethical care provided without being honest and forthright.  Telling the truth to your 'patient' and their family about the the diagnosis given, the drugs or any 'treatment' that you recommend, and letting them make an informed choice because you are the 'doctor' and being ethical and honest,  have given them all of the factual based information needed, and suport them if they desire to seek someone else's advice.  It is not appropriate or ethical for you to tell a patient or parent of a child what to do---unless asked.  It is not ethical to mislead them about any drug's potential benefits nor is it ethical to neglect to tell them the inherent risks.  Coercion, manipulation and force are not 'therapeutic,' nor are veiled threats of locking up a patient to gain medication compliance acceptable, it is abuse of power and authority---it is not medical treatment or therapeutic in any sense.   It is a psychiatrist's ethical duty to support and educate a patient; to edify them, encourage them and to treat them with respect, having a kind and positive regard for a patient in order to be helpful.  If a psychiatrist is incapable of doing this, he/she is a doctor who must be stopped; because this type of failure causes injuries which last a lifetime, and often has a lasting, devastating impact for generations...

Psychiatry as a profession will not regain respect or be trusted until: 

1. It is 'standard practice' to respect and protect the Human Rights of those who are labeled 'mentally ill.'

2. It is 'standard practice' to follow the "Medical Ethics Guidelines for Informed Consent" for ALL diagnoses and patients!  No excuses!

3. It is 'standard practice' to tell the truth to patients and about patients to others, when necessary. (police and courts)   Your duty is to the patient, not their parents, or any one else who is distressed by them and wants to confine them!

4. Psychiatry stops disseminating inaccurate information and bio-medical propaganda through advocacy groups' education and information campaigns, and public service activities; people need facts, not fallacies!  It has bred fear, intolerance and discrimination against people given a psychiatric diagnoses; causing further harm and social isolation more than anything else.

5. Stop conducting 'research' and 'clinical trials' the primary purpose of which is not to help, heal or treat patients; but to expand the drug market---if it is not for an ethical, medical or therapeutic purpose, and primarily to benefit the patient, it is not medicine; but marketing!

6.  Conduct and report research ethically, completely and accurately---

7.  Teach students of psychiatry an accurate history of psychiatry and the use of drugs and electroshock.  Unless psychiatry students are taught an accurate history of this 'medical specialty' any changes are doomed to be superficial and cosmetic.  Specifically, psychiatrists should not be taught that coercion, manipulation and social control of others is 'therapeutic treatment!'

It was for the practice of eugenics that these techniques became 'standard practice.'    It was acceptable to mislead and misinform any patient or family member about both the diagnosis and the treatment of 'mental illness,' because based on ignorance and bigotry, 'mental illness' was perceived to be  definitive  evidence of a genetic inferiority which should be extinguished.  Those who were physically or cognitively 'defective' or diagnosed 'mentally ill' were treated as less than human, by psychiatrists.   While there are psychiatrists today who do not and have never held such views, the fact that they were trained in school to use  'standard practices' which were developed by people who very much believed in the inferiority of people diagnosed 'mentally ill.'   Historically, psychiatry like any profession, developed practices based on the what was being done in clinical practice.  In this country from the late 1800s up into the 50s and 60s lobotomy, sterilization, water torture,  insulin coma, electroshock were all considered effective 'treatment' or a 'standard practice' and psychiatry 'treated' those in their care without regard for their dignity or humanity.  It is psychiatry that used these ideas to formulate public policy.  The historical record is shocking for medicine in general, what I find disturbing is the fact that there is so little NEED for those who practice psychiatry to even be taught an accurate history, or even examine exactly what the facts are.   

Some things are indefensible.   I personally find it reprehensible that a profession which has allowed it's members to abuse, coerce, and forcefully "treat/torture" and further stigmatize patients by telling the world they have brain defects; and additionally, they have no idea what is 'good for them' (or they would take their medicine!)  Psychiatry has been instumental in the effort to implement laws and public policies which deny psychiatric patients any human dignity and any hope for a better life.  How can it be in any person's 'best interest' to deny them their Constitutional Rights---which are Human Rights---how is this 'therapeutic' or 'necessary medical treatment' to strip a person of their Human rights with a diagnosis?  It is within the biomedical model the idea that the people who are given a diagnostic label are less than fully human, and don't need their rights protected.

Psychiatry fails to hold members  to any ethical, moral or legal standards, in research, education, and direct clinical care.  APA members inexplicably cling to the delusion that because psychiatry is a 'medical' profession, everything that is done in Standard Practice is actually ethical and necessary to 'medical treatment.'   The fatal outcomes and the traumatized and disabled survivors are evidence that this is not in fact the case.

The fact that many are in fact living in permanent disability with horrible conditions, due to receiving 'psychiatric treatment' which amounted to inhumane traumatizing abuse is cavalierly dismissed as, "Scientology" or  "anti-psychiatry propaganda" yet never respectfully addressed, nor are the dead or disabled even acknowledged---less than humans---need no acknowledgement.    

I am just a mother, who has seen my child, a victim of violent crime; be further traumatized by dangerous drugs in massive doses---drugs not approved for children and every time it was a psychiatrist, not a Scientologist, or antipsychiatrist who prescribed the drugs which did the corporeal  and psychic damage.  Every time it was a psychiatrist who told me the lies and used analogies substituted for facts, it was always a psychiatrist who has questioned why I have no respect for their 'authority.'   I am a mother who willingly takes care of my precious son, who is now a disabled young man; but was once upon a time, my little boy.   I love him beyond measure.  It is he and I who have memories of separation, isolation, degradation, and invalidation which are the traumatic experiences of Standard Practices used by psychiatry.

If psychiatry wants to be respected and trusted, psychiatrists need to do what any and everybody else does. Psychiatrists like anybody and everybody else, must actually earn trust and respect; neither are issued with a diploma or medical license.  Psychiatrists need to act honorably, respect those who seek help, and be accountable.   Telling the truth helps make all these things possible.   Lying is not acceptable--to mislead, or fail to fully inform about either the risks or potential benefits of a prescribed treatment is unethical.  To misinform, mislead, coerce, manipulate, or force harmful drugs or ECT with real risk of permanent disability and sudden or decades early death---after the profession has been misinforming everybody about the actual nature of the diagnoses themselves, and the safety and efficacy of the neurotoxic drugs--is fraud, not medical treatment.  The drugs used to treat the symptoms of distress and emotional trauma, which are often the effects of ignorance, poverty, and all types of abuse and other environmental influences, are no panacea, the psychiatrists who claim to be treating 'diseases' by force if necessary, are committing medical fraud; there is no place for fraud in medical practice.

Dismissive patronizing attitudes, manipulation and coercion as  'standard practices' were developed during the several decades of the psychiatric profession 'medically treating' the 'genetically inferior' by practicing eugenics in State Institutions and social services.  Some of the standard practices, attitudes and 'widely accepted wisdom' prevalent in bio-psychiatry today, originated during the widespread eugenics movement from this era; and were accepted then due to the ignorant notion that subjective observation was evidence of genetic inferiority.  Individuals who were labeled genetically inferior, with a 'brain disease' were considered unworthy of respect, or humane treatment.  People with psychiatric diagnoses led miserable existences in which abuse and torture were considered 'treatment' in State run facilities; and this 'medical treatment' was provided by psychiatrists...

It is this type of treatment that was forced upon my son, I am a witness, and I am a mother who could not rescue my son fast enough.  It took years for me to believe my friends who told me I need to forgive myself.  That it is not my fault, I am not the one who beat him or abused him---in my heart, I failed because my son was harmed so very badly and I couldn't stop it; it still has not stopped...

I am insulted when a person says I should be proud for not walking away from him, for not giving up.   It is the only option I have.   He is my son.  I love him. 

Why are force, coercion, manipulation, and lying to those diagnosed and about those diagnosed to their families, and the general public considered acceptable by the members of the APA?  If the drugs are so safe and effective, why are people being disabled, and dying from illnesses and sudden death as a direct reselt of taking the drugs?    More importantly, if psychiatric drugs are so very safe and effective, why is so much fraud, illegal marketing and dishonesty necessary to practice psychiatric 'medicine'?   Why is it necessary to take children away when a parent exercises their Parental Rights to make decisions for their own flesh and blood?   It is because psychiatrists who are devotees of the biomedical madness believe as one psychiatrist told me, "Parents who objected to medical treatment they would see as at best ill informed and at worst impaired themselves." This is why psychiatrists have felt themselves justified and have purposely mislead, and outright lied to everybody. A belief that anyone who doesn't recognize their superior brains and apparently their psychic abilities; is either simply 'misinformed' or IMPAIRED. This quote is from a psychiatrist who is a 'Human Rights activist.'
If psychiatry is no longer practicing eugenics; and a diagnosis of  'mental illness' is just like any other illness, because the people who are diagnosed are not genetically inferior; and psychiatry is practicing medicine; why is psychiatry still using the same 'standard practices' developed when psychiaty was practicing medicine by implementing eugenics as a Standard of Care?   Just as importantly, why are subterfuge, academic fraud, financial corruption, illegal marketing, and court orders necessary; but Informed Consent for 'treatment' is NOT required, and barely paid lip service?   I do have a biased, but I believe understandable view.  It is based on the ten psychiatrists who all misinformed, and all of them apparently had no ethical qualms about the harm done by their ethical, diagnostic and treatment failure...

How is the modern biomedical model of psychiatric practice different from what the Germans did in the 30s and 40s?   I see no difference myself.   I know I have to this day, never been respected by any of the psychiatrists who have harmed my son, and would not allow me to protect my own child.  I will not stop trying to help my son recover, or stop protecting him as best I can from an under-recognized pathology. 

I call it pathological psychic psychiatry psychosis.  A diagnosis that is characterized by delusions and grandiosity particularly, a belief in one's superior intellect, and one's innate ability to determine what another person can tolerate in terms of physical and psychic trauma.  People with this diagnosis are emotionally capaple sociopaths, with an ability to commit crimes without guilt and use of coercion, seclusion, chemical lobotomies, and give Electrical Shocks to gain behavioral compliance.   These crimes committed by psychiatrists with pathological psychic psychiatry psychosis, are medically necessary.   The people who have pathological psychic psychiatry psychosis can diagnose a disease in anyone's brain by simply looking at them and talking to people who are unhappy about the patient's behavior...Is that a skill or what!  To be able to pull a disease out of a collection of subjective observations, like a magician pulls a rabbit from a hat, that is mighty handy!  I wonder if these psychiatrists demand respect bucause their diagnosis of pathological psychic psychiatry psychosis, allows them to know there is no way in hell they can earn it.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
George Santanyana

"Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names."  
John F. Kennedy

'When a doctor cannot do good, he must be kept from doing harm."  Hippocrates

first posted with the title, 'If Mental Illness is Like Any Other Why Don't We Court Order Exercise?' on July 19, 2011
picture found at

Feb 5, 2012

full disclosure updated

I'm read a blog post written by a practicing psychiatrist who is considering retirement and looking back on his career lamenting his sense of betrayal for supposedly only recently discovering the truth about the entrenched systemic corruption and fraud in psychiatry and the pharmaceutical industry.  It is good that more psychiatrists are finally acknowledging the reality of what is happening... I am just not feeling all that much empathy for professionals who feel betrayed, and I am skeptical of professionals who claim a lack of insight and awareness of what has been happening in the mental health field---I can't help but wonder if the delay is at least partly due to going along to get along, a passive complicity or just willful blindness.  The fact that The American Psychiatric Association failed to develop or enforce effective ethical standards among it's membership, does not turn individual psychiatrists into unwitting victims.  Simply because an individual (presumably) is not an active participant in marketing madness peddling psychotropic drugs, does not translate into being an unwitting victims, who has been betrayed. There is no for not using a medical license to practice being a pharma whore, doing the right thing, having ethical integrity is it's own reward.

I just don't understand how a high-school dropout like myself could an do research a decade ago, and in less than a week I had discovered the profession was based on deception and misinformation.  In less than a week, I had discovered ample evidence of the inefficacy of the drugs, and that coercion and emotional manipulation of patients and family members alike is standard practice. One does not need to be a doctor know that  lying to patients and family members about the actual nature of psychiatric diagnoses, and exaggerating the potential benefits and minimizing the risks, in effect, lying about the safety and effectiveness of the drugs is not therapeutic, does not engender trust, and is simply unethical.  

The manipulation of the truth, abuse of authority, the total control of data derived from academic research were all used as to social control mechanisms. To cotrol the public perception, and to control psychiatric patients in order to coerce treatment compliance. Obviously, not all psychiatrists practice in this manner. It is still difficult, if not impossible, for me to believe any psychiatrist with an ethical bone in their body was totally oblivious to the real world outcomes of psychiatric patients; or believed it was ethical to prescribe teratogenic drugs based on the pharmaceutical industy's fraudulent claims and marketing agendas, and to misinform patients and the general public about the teratogenic effects and the fatal risks...  

via David Bransford MD Blog On “Full Disclosure”
a couple excerpts:
"Too many patients, damaged by antipsychotics, Foster Kids on Atypicals with Obesity, Diabetes, and life long metabolic changes. Perhaps most disturbing, the Primary Care Docs and Nurse Practitioners prescribing SSRIs, SNRIs, 2GAPs for disruptive behaviors and situational depressions with clear family dysfunction that goes unaddressed. Local Community Mental Health Centers promoting aggressively Long Active Antipsychotics, just as the the Drug Detail Men/Women tell them…having no awareness of the flawed data nor ‘Dollars for Docs” influencing these trends.

"The so call (sic) “New Atypicals” are untested and carry an entirely new risk of Metabolic Syndrome in all cases..not just Zyprexa or Seroquel. And the newest “Me Too” 2GAs of Fanapt, Saphris, and Latuda are really not new at all, yet tested and approved usually on 6 week trials….trials that are flawed..." read here

a more realistic an ethical perspective from 1Boring Old Man:
sooner or later...

a couple of excerpts:
"New research on alleged overuse of psychotropic medications in both nursing-home and foster-care settings signals a need for better training of nonpsychiatric physicians and increased funding to bolster the mental health workforce" puts the blame on others. I expect that there’s plenty of blame to go around but that we psychiatrists and child psychiatrists own a significant share in our own right.  And I didn’t care much for this one either, "While APA acknowledged in its statement in conjunction with the Senate hearing that children in foster-care systems experience high rates of mental illness, it voiced support for the GAO’s recommendation that HHS issue formal guidance to state Medicaid and child-welfare agencies on best practices for monitoring the prescription of psychotropic medications for foster children." Medicine has been traditionally self regulating. I don’t hear the APA’s response as having any acknowledgement of that function. It’s a politically correct response with all the forcefulness of a feather.

"The problem here is not that people need just "formal guidance to state Medicaid and child-welfare agencies on best practices for monitoring the prescription of psychotropic medications for foster children." What’s needed is active censure of these practices with consequences from the APA on its members, the Certification Boards on their practitioners, and Licensing Boards on licensed physicians. Chronic, unjustified, overmedication of children is malpractice, not ignorance of guidelines. And, by the way, what is the APA for if not to set the tone for rational practice? here

an update February 7, 2011

It had been a while since I had visited this guy's blog--When I first visited his blog, it gave me the willies---because it was obvious he was totally invested in the bio-disease belief system/hypothesis and psychopharmacology reliant approach---which is not "evidence- based;" more accurately it is biased, flawed and bullshit-based... Patient recovery, i.e. real world outcome, are not what defines effective or successful psychiatric treatment; having a patient remain treatment compliant is how 'successful treatment' has been re-defined by psychiatry.  Maintaining  treatment compliance is more important than the actual effect of the treatment on a patient's overall health and well-being; the main treatment goal is to alter a patien'ts behavior so that the patient is less disturbing to others; easier to control...  

So this morning, I went back and read his about me page.   
He states that his primary research was in Physiological Psychology, and his Honors Thesis was on  Intracranial Stimulation in conjunction with psychotropic medications. OMFG! Then this: "When not seeing patients directly, he has a strong interest in teaching and promoting continuing medical education to family practitioners, nursing staff, case managers, and psychologists. He has a strong interest is in the field of psychopharma- cology, and many of his weekends are spent meeting with other psychopharmacologists and continually being updated in the field of Neuroscience." emphasis mine  

“ . . . No one is really paying attention to what’s going on. . . The issue is how many Medicaid kids are being drugged to death, not how many kids in fostercare are being over medicated." Grace. E. Jackson, M.D.

photo credit 

Bioethics of Research with Human Subjects

 Guinea Pigs - Pictures

I have come to realize in the last week or so in particular that what I had thought and believed to be true seem to have little basis in how things are done.  It is knowledge that grieves me.  What is, is.  I don't wish to escape from reality; but I am not  happy when I validate dark suspicions about the nature and the breadth of man's inhumanity to man.   It's better to know than not; but it sure doesn't make me feel any safer.  It further erodes what small bit of confidence in my fellow man I do have.  Some aspects of what is real and what's really going on, seems surreal; truly strange and weird.  Real life has become like the horror and  sci-fi flicks that used to be on TV on Saturday afternoons when I was a kid, I didn't like them either...I always figured real life and real people are scary enough. I still feel that way...
via The Hastings Center:

Rethinking Informed Consent in Research 

"While voluntary informed consent to participate in research has long been an "axiom of bioethics," in reality there has been a "process of erosion and retreat" from this principle, said Alexander Capron in the Beecher Award Lecture on December 2, 2010 in New York. Capron noted the relevance of this trend in light of President Obama's request last month that his bioethics commission examine the ethics of human subjects research."

via The New Yorker

GUINEA-PIGGING by Carl Elliott

 JANUARY 7, 2008  
a couple excerpts:
"As it turned out, the disciplinary action was a response to the injuries or deaths of forty-six patients  under Abuzzahab’s supervision. Seventeen of them had been research subjects in studies that he was conducting. These were not healthy-volunteer studies. According to the board, Abuzzahab had “enrolled psychiatrically disturbed and vulnerable patients into investigational drug studies without ensuring that they met eligibility criteria to be in the study and then kept them in the study after their conditions deteriorated.” The board had judged Abuzzahab a danger to the public and suspended his license, citing “a reckless, if not willful, disregard of the patients’ welfare.”

One case, which was reported in the Boston Globe, concerned a forty-one-year-old woman named Susan Endersbe, who had struggled for years with schizophrenia and suicidal thoughts. She had been doing well on her medication, however, until Abuzzahab enrolled her in a trial of an experimental anti-psychotic drug. In the trial, she was taken off her regular medication and became suicidal. When Abuzzahab gave her a day pass to leave the hospital unsupervised, she threw herself into the Mississippi River and drowned. In another case cited by the board, Abuzzahab had prescribed a “large supply of potentially lethal medications” to a woman with a history of substance abuse, “shortly after a serious suicide attempt.” She committed suicide by taking an overdose.

The public portion of Abuzzahab’s disciplinary file is freely available from the Minnesota licensing board, and has been posted on the Web site of Circare, a watchdog group that documents research abuse. When I ran a Google search on “Faruk Abuzzahab,” the first hit I got was a 1998 article in the Globe on his trial disasters. Yet none of this seems to have derailed Abuzzahab’s research career. Even after his suspension, the Times has reported, he continued to supervise drug trials, and to receive payments from at least a dozen drug companies. In 2003, the American Psychiatric Association awarded him a Distinguished Life Fellowship.(emphasis mine) Read more here

via Mother Jones:

The Deadly Corruption of Clinical Trials

When you risk life and limb to help test a drug, are you helping science—or Big Pharma? One patient's tragic, and telling, story.

an excerpt:
"IT'S NOT EASY TO WORK UP a good feeling about the institution that destroyed your life, which may be why Mary Weiss initially seemed a little reluctant to meet me. "You can understand my hesitation to look other than with suspicion at anyone associated with the University of Minnesota," Mary wrote to me in an email. In 2003, Mary's 26-year-old son, Dan, was enrolled against her wishes in a psychiatric drug study at the University of Minnesotawhere I teach medical ethics. Less than six months later, Dan was dead. I'd learned about his death from a deeply unsettling newspaper series by St. Paul Pioneer Press reporters Jeremy Olson and Paul Tosto that suggested he was coerced into a pharmaceutical-industry study from which the university stood to profit, but which provided him with inadequate care. Over the next few months, I talked to several university colleagues and administrators, trying to learn what had happened. Many of them dismissed the story as slanted and incomplete. Yet the more I examined the medical and court records, the more I became convinced that the problem was worse than the Pioneer Press had reported. The danger lies not just in the particular circumstances that led to Dan's death, but in a system of clinical research that has been thoroughly co-opted by market forces, so that many studies have become little more than covert instruments for promoting drugs. The study in which Dan died starkly illustrates the hazards of market-driven research and the inadequacy of our current oversight system to detect them."  (emphasis mine) read the rest here

 Guinea Pig Picture source: CavyMadness © 1999-2003 Nhan and Tammy Rao

Feb 1, 2012

I am not the jerk whisperer


This started out being a response to a comment left on my blog post titled, "Advocacy "for the mentallly ill" is actually advocacy for an agenda" and wound up being too long for a comment, and so I made it a blog post, months later, I rewrote portions of it to more clearly state my views...

It is simply incredible to me that people with a psychiatric diagnosis who are victimized by violent crime are perceived to be somehow at fault for being victimized. 

DJ Jaffe interviewed Carla Jacobs in an apparent attempt to use the murder of Kelly Thomas to further his agenda for forced treatment, and Jaffe states that, "police could always use better training in how to handle dangerous mentally ill individuals, the police are not always the villains."

It is true that police are not always the villains when a person with a psychiatric diagnosis ends up dead as a result of police contact; it is also be true that police officers may need more training to effectively interact with people with psychiatric diagnoses safely.  It shows extremely poor judgement on Jaffe's part to make these statements in relationship to Kelly Thomas' brutal murder at the hands of rogue police officers in Fullerton, California.  It seems that DJ Jaffe is attempting to minimize the horrific nature of the behavior of the police officers involved in Kelly Thomas' murder. Jaffe's interviewee, Carla Jacobs, insults one's intelligence when stating, "When it comes to treating people with the most serious mental illnesses, the police will react where California's mental health system won't." Jacob's statement implies that the brutal attack on Kelly Thomas is in some way understandable; since he was not being drugged!

The murder of Kelly Thomas is neither understandable, nor justifiable.  I find these two advocates statements minimizing and excusing  felonious conduct of police officers who victimized Kelly Thomas incomprehensible.  How can  advocacy "for the seriously mentally ill" include minimizing homicide committed by men who had sworn an oath to perform a legal duty with honor and integrity, i.e. to protect and to serve Kelly Thomas?

People who claim to be advocating for those with a psychiatric diagnosis who fail to defend the mentally ill who are victimized and who exploit tragic events to further an  agenda, are not so much advocating for "the mentally ill," as they are lobbying for a special interest agenda; specifically, an agenda to expand the number of people who are forced into psychiatric treatment. The appropriate word which describes a person who advocates for a narrow agenda, including exploiting tragic events to further the agenda, is not "advocate;" the appropriate word is lobbyist.  DJ Jaffe and Carla Jacobs are Special Interest Lobbyists who promote forced psychiatric treatment as a public policy. Jaffe and Jacobs lobby for legislation to legally mandate forced treatment on people regardless of the adverse effects or actual benefit to the individual.

Most of the training provided to police in this country is developed by Treatment Advocacy Center, the 'research' arm of NAMI, and provided by NAMI affiliates.  If it is true that police need more or different training; it is likely that who is entrusted with developing and providing the training may also need to be reconsidered.  There is a definite bias in the training provided to Law Enforcement due to an inherent Conflict of Interest: the training serves to support, and market the forced treatment agenda; the biased "information" used in the training is meant to justify forced psychiatric treatment. To exploit Kelly Thomas's murder as a means of furthering a biased forced treatment agenda dishonors his memory. I wonder, do advocates like Jaffe and Jacobs have any ability to focus solely on the needs of the people they advocate for?  Where is the outrage for people who are victimized because of their psychiatric diagnosis?  Where is the advocacy for "the seriously mentally ill" when Justice is needed for those who are victimized? Where is the desire to protect and defend the mentally ill from perpetrators who victimize them?  Nowhere to be found...   

"AOT does not require anyone to take dangerous chemicals. The only required service is case management services. Others are optional and are negotiated by patient, his lawyer, and the court. Interestin­gly, consumers in AOT retroactiv­ely overwhelmi­ngly support it;" according to DJ Jaffe.

DJ Jaffe is apparently unaware of the glaring contradictions in his statement.  The fact that people in AOT who object to taking what are dangerous drugs--which may or may not "help" them--need to have a lawyer to help them 'negotiate' with the Court,--makes it obvious that this is not a "medical diagnosis" being treated so much as it is a psychiatric diagnosis being adjudicated, and a legal sentence applied.  I am sick of people like Jaffe claiming that "Anosognosi­a (not being aware you are ill) is very common."  This diagnostic label is assigned to anyone who is not "treatment compliant;" it is a label used to denigrate, malign and slander people who have had their rights diminished due to a legal determination under a guise of  "medical necessity." In this respect, a Court determines that a person is guilty of having a "mental illness," then sentences them to psychiatric treatment which may ultimately disable and kill them.  

I am not saying that people who have been labeled with a psychiatric diagnosis can't have a lack of insight. I am saying that it is simply ludicrous to imply that the only reason people don't want to take neuroleptic and other psychotropic drugs is due to a lack insight; because they "just don't know what's good for them!"  The drugs have serious negative effects, and serious risks; so pretending that people in distress don't know what an adverse effect feels like, or know what is tolerable to them; adds insult to injury. It is apparent to me that even when in distress, a person in an extreme state can discern if they are being respected or invalidated by the manner in which they are being treated. A patient being de-voiced and being deprived of choice in this way is not due to the patient's lack of insight, it is a ploy which serves to prevent patients from being believed or even heard when they refute the forced treatment lobbyists claim that forced treatement is effective and in the best interests of people adjudicated as mentally ill. Advocates and professionals who are devotees to the bio-disease paradigm justify this use of force by claiming that virtually anyone who refuses to comply with psychiatric diagnosis and treament has anosognosia. It is a specious claim to make. All things considered, it is despicable that it is acceptable to malign and slander people; to in effect, deprive them of a means to defend and advocate for themselves by ensuring others don't listen to them because "the seriously mentally ill lack insight and don't know what's good for them." 

Some just may not be amenable to being coerced and manipulated; some may be sick of being misled and outright lied to about the diagnoses they are given and the drugs forced upon them purportedly to "medically treat" psychiatric diagnoses.  As DJ Jaffe knows, the drugs are, "dangerous chemicals," and are part and parcel to AOT. Some do not want to experience the negative effects of the drugs, the drugs can be agents of trauma for a statistically significant percentage of people who take them. Some are unwilling to subject themselves to the dishonesty: i.e. the manipulative, coercive and patriarchal manner that public mental health services are provided.  I would be willing to bet that anosognosia is rarely the reason a person refuses 'treatment.' This claim is offered in an attempt to rationalize and justify what is an unethical abuse of power and authority of mental health professionals and self proclaimed "patient advocates" who lack not only insight, but ethical integrity as well.

It is likely that the fraud, i.e. misinformation used to coerce treatment compliance, and the disrespectful manner in which people with a psychiatric diagnosis are treated may have something to do with the lack of trust many have for the mental health treatment system and for the professionals who adhere to the bio-disease paradigm of mental health "treatment."  The subterfuge and the disrespectful treatment is well-known and incredibly, socially accepted--and this is one reason some people do not "seek treatment," and/or become "non-compliant." It is also why some are determined to avoid "mental health treatment" like the plague. It is not a lack of insight on a non-compliant patient's part, given the reality of the subjective nature of psychiatric diagnoses, and the disabling and fatal risks of the teratogenic drugs used to treat psychiatric diagnoses, it is despicable to state the only reason that a person would avoid taking the drugs is because they lack insight. It is mental health professionals and so-called advocates that lack insight, since they seem to have decided to be willfully blind to the well-documented risks and seem to believe it's acceptable to medically neglect their patients with iatrogenic injuries. Drugs used in "standard psychiatric treatment" can and do benefit some people; they are not "effective treatment" in a therapeutic or healing sense biologically; while they do alter biological processes, they do not correct an identified dysfunction, or cure an identified disease. Whether a person treated with the drugs experiences positive benefits which justify the serious risks is not the criteria which determines whether or not a particular drug or combination of drugs is successful. In bio-psychiatry, "successful treatment" is synonymous with "treatment compliance," so the real world outcome for the patient is and never has been a determinant of what is considered successful treatment.

The fact that "treatment compliance" is the primary goal of "successful treatment;" rather that the real world outcome for the patient, is a clear indication that this "medical treatment" is not to primarily serve a patient's "best interest;" it is primarily used to control the patient. "Psychoeducation" is used to limit a patient's autonomy and restrict their ability to advocate for themselves; in effect, people are (de)VOICED; not "allowed" to make treatment decisions for themselves. Complaints of harm are dismissed; or attributed to the proverbial "tolerable side effects." Bio-psychiatry, i.e. psychopharmacology first, foremost for life; is not an ethical standard of medical care. Ethical medical care serves the individual patient's "best interest;" not the interests of the people who seek to control a patient. In the ethical practice of medicine, the actual effects of the medical treatment on a particular patient, i.e. the real world medical condition/outcome and the patients's perspective would be used to determine whether a person is "successfully treated."

The patient's perspective is never irrelevant, and should never be minimized or dismissed. No one but the patient can ultimately determine what adverse effects are "tolerable." It is inconceivable that anyone else can determine what a patient can and cannot tolerate; the need for the patient's perspective is implicit.  It is an abuse of power and authority to minimize or dismiss the patient's perspective; a disrespect that evinces a profound lack of regard, compassion and respect for a patient. Treatment that doesn't cure shouldn't have significant risks for causing a patient harm!

photo from FB~ Troublemakers
this post was originally published October 10, 2011 and appears here with minor alterations...

Life Lived With Love

a couple of excerpts from "life with a severely disabled child"
"People look at us askance. They are sort of scared of us, and the way we have to live. It reminds them that they could be us. Sort of scared of our kids and the way they look or behave. They want to look, they aren't supposed to stare, they rush their kids away from us. Everyone thinks someone should do something for us, do something about us, but everyone knows that it will cost money to do that...and there are so many of us..."and it's really not possible, you know, because they will always be among us....Sad, isn't it?" Financial disasters, psychological tipping points... And there are some services and there are some kind people who get it, some places to go, some really good things, in some places. Patchwork services for the fringe. (Don't you love fabric metaphors?)"

Wow!  It is just like this.  Clare, writer of "life with a severely disabled child" writes about life as we live it, here at our house.  Clare is parenting a child with different issues than my son's; and even though her child's issues are different than my son's, and my son is no longer a child, I can say life is just like she describes.  I love this, "Being disabled is MADE INTO a tragedy."  (OR NOT?)  What was done to my son, is indescribably tragic.  My son and his difficulties are not the tragedy; the actions of others were and are the tragedy.        

I had a friend tell me several months ago he didn't think most people can relate to me and my experiences as a parent of a son with a diagnosis of schizophrenia since he was young.  He said this is because they could not imagine being me.  He said most people do not believe they could do for a child what I have done for my son, Isaac.  I am not sure what to think of this view; what else was I supposed to do?  (most of the time, I feel I am never able to do enough)  I don't think I did anything anything special.  If there is any truth in this statement, and I believe there is; what does it say about society in general?

It is human culture and society that allows us, indeed teaches us, that WE humans are "superior" to other species of life on Earth.  The way that people who are considered different, or "disabled" by any cause, tend to discriminated against, separated from the herd; held to a different standard than is used for those who are not disabled.  This disparity in how people are treated, begs the question: Is this method of separation predicated on a false notion that a perceived inferiority exists?  

I believe this is the false notion which underlies the stigma of a psychiatric diagnosis.  The general public's  acceptance of this notion is used to justify having discriminatory attitudes.  Worse, this bigotry is used to implement social policies which exacerbate the problems experienced by people with a psychiatric diagnosis; it legitimizes the discrimination people with a psychiatric diagnosis experience. 

Making it legal, does not make it moral; and it does nothing to bolster any claims of superiority...

 Check out Slightly Cynical
first published March 20, 2011


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