Systematic Reviews of the effectiveness of day care for people with severe mental disorders
Roadmap to Seclusion and Restraint Free Mental Health Services
Funding and Characteristics of State Mental Health Agencies 2010
What constitutes a psychiatric emergency?
Senate Hearing 1975 drug use in institutions
Neuroleptic Intolerance Schizophrenia Bulletin
AAUP Final Report Regulation on Research on Human Subjects: Academic Freedom and the Institutional Review Board
PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS A Report by the President’s Council on Bioethics
Big Drop in OHRP Letters Open Cases
A long shadow: Nazi doctors, moral vulnerability and
contemporary medical culture Journal of Medical Ethics
Side Effects: Death Confessions of a pharma-insider John Virapen
Deconstructing the concept of 'schizophrenia'
Psychiatrist Goran Isacsson destroyed research data on antidepressants and suicide Janne Larsson
Mad Pride: Reflections on Sociopolitical Identity &Mental Diversity in the Context of Culturally Competent Psychiatric Care Summer Schrader, et al
The Deadly Corruption of Clinical Trials Carl Elliott in Mother Jones
Darby Penney interviews Judi Chamberlin
Evidence Based Medicine In It's Place ed. by Kristiansen and Mooney
Off-Label indications for Atypicals sytematic review 2004
Melissa Raven Thesis Depression and Antidepressants in Australia...
Preventing Mental Emotional and Behavior Disorders among young people
Making a Killing by Carl Elliot
Schizophrenia: The Problem in the Mind-Body Problem
Seclusion and Restraint Practices in Residential Treatment Facilities for Children and Youth
The ‘‘Missing Heritability’’ of Psychiatric Disorders Jay Joseph
How did Prozac get approved in Europe?
Should Neuroleptic Drugs Be Banned? Lars Martensson, M.D. 1984 Edited 1985
Media Guide: Your Language Matters When Writing About Mental Illness
About the intrinsic suicidal effects of Neuroleptics: towards breaking the taboo and fighting therapeutic recklessness Peter Lehmann
Psychiatric Drugs and suicide How Medical Agencies Deceive Patients and Relatives by Janne Larsson
Peer Support among persons with severe mental illnesses: a review of evidence and experiences
Comparative Mortality Associated With Ziprasidone and Olanzapine in Real-ZODIAC
Horizons of Context:understanding the Police Decision to Arrest People With Mental Illness
DSM II from University of Oregon
DSM III and the Revolution in the Classification of Mental Illness
Our Censored Journals David Healy
Text of Illinois HR0898
APA Task Force Report Outpatient Services for the Mentally Ill Involved in the Criminal Justice System
Default-mode Brain Dysfunction
EMDR more than meets the eye
Giving Constructive Feedback
Structural Models by Johnny Silva
International Psychiatry
A Systematic Review of the Mortality of Schizophrenia
COI policies of Academic Institutions
Geodon illegal marketing Lawsuit
Maximizing Access to Medical Records
Pig Pharma: Psychiatric Agenda Setting by Drug Companies
CFR 45 and 46
Moral Science Presidential Commission 2011
Demanding ‘more and better’ psychiatry: Potentially liberatory or worse than the disease?
history of human research
Childhood vaccinations and Juvenile-Onset (Type-1) Diabetes
A Dragon by the Tail vaccines
Childhood Trauma and Psychosis--what is the evidence?
Harm reduction guide for coming off of psychiatric medications Icarus Project
Evidence based medicine to marketing based medicine internal industry documents
Child Maltreatment and Psychosis
Evidence of neuroleptic induced brain damage A partial, Annotated BibliographyAHRP
Are the American Psychological Association Interrogation Policies Ethical and Effective?
FDA AERS 2000-2010
Recent Advances in Understanding Mental Illness and Psychotic Experiences
NIH Secrets pharmaceutical industry routinely suppresses negative data
Psychopharmacology fro very young children
GAO Report on Foster Children and Psychotropic Drugs
Psychiatric Drugs: Anatomy of an Epidemic Robert Whitaker on Just Energy Radio
Forced Medication after US v. Sell
Preter Breggin on shock tx
Carl Elliot's Mother Jones The Deadly Corruption of Clinical Trials
Schizophrenia Life-threatening or Life-saving Treatment Clozapine
Ethical Reporting on mental health UW
CRISIS MANAGEMENT A Training Guide for Law Enforcement Officers
From Evidence-Based Medicine to Marketing Based Medicine
PTSD Treatment an Assessment of the Evidence National Academies Press
Punishing The Patient Richard Gosden Book
Explicit and implicit stigma against individuals with mental illness
The stigmatization of mental illness in children and parents
Changing Middle Schoolers' Attitudes About Mental Illness Through Education
Evolutionary Origins of Stigmatization: The Functions of Social Exclusion
Prejudice and schizophrenia: a review of the 'mental illness is an illness like any other' approach
Is being sick really better? Effect of the disease view of mental disorder on stigma
At Issue: Stop the Stigma
Who's Winning the Human Race?
Ronald Reagan and the Commitment of the Mentally Ill
Antidepressants behind 52 percent of all suicides among women in Sweden in 2006
The Prescribing of SSRI Antidepressants to Women
The Ashton Benzo Withdrawal Manual
NIH Consensus Development Conference on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder 1998
Stigma in psychiatry
Proposed Changes to APA Guidelines Principles of ethics and professionalism in psychiatry from Stanford Psychlaw Seminar
Does psychiatry stigmatize?
Why are the mentally ill still bearing arms?
Brain Volume Shrinkage Parallels Rise in Antipsychotic Drug Dosage
Shamanic Perspectives on Mental Illness Icarus Project
Beyond Consultation Invited commentary
Beyond Consultation the challenge of working with user/survivor and carer groups†
Author's Response commentary Beyond Consultation
SSRI Stories Database of SSRI Drug Induced Violence
Best Practices for Psychotropic Drugging of Children in State Custody
Facts on Violence from University of Washington
The Opal Project Our Story A Living History
Open Dialogue 2 year Follow-up
Shocked! ECT
Child Welfare Watch Parents With Mental Illness Mental Health Care Law Attorney General Federal Regulations clinical trials Washington State Mental Health Block Grant Report Practical and Legal Dangers of Outpatient Commitment
user/consumer movement in Mental Health service delivery Judi Chamberlin
PACT Evaluation
Retrospective anlysis of 7 medical journals 1994-2005 Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine
Open Dialogue 2 year Follow-up
Shocked! ECT
Child Welfare Watch Parents With Mental Illness Mental Health Care Law Attorney General Federal Regulations clinical trials Washington State Mental Health Block Grant Report Practical and Legal Dangers of Outpatient Commitment
user/consumer movement in Mental Health service delivery Judi Chamberlin
PACT Evaluation
Retrospective anlysis of 7 medical journals 1994-2005 Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine