Psychiatric Drug Facts via :

“Most psychiatric drugs can cause withdrawal reactions, sometimes including life-threatening emotional and physical withdrawal problems… Withdrawal from psychiatric drugs should be done carefully under experienced clinical supervision.” Dr. Peter Breggin

Nov 29, 2010

An Awakening

Awakenings are difficult to process sometimes and at other times--seem to be smooth as molasses. My day to day life has been smooth; I have had a sense of inner peace that is profound given the reality that everything, other than my inner reality has remained the same.  So very much the better, to validate once again, that it is my connection to my inner spirit that gives me a sense of wholeness; not anything from outside myself.

My son is slowly coming out to participate in our home life.  What a gift to have him crack jokes again!  I miss his quit wit most when he is figuring things out.


Unknown said...

Your son is so fortunate that you understand these things, Becky. Its good to hear that things are progressing for you both:)

Unknown said...

A lesson that must be learned over and over. That my peace and serenity is a by-product of my inner life--not anything else; not even my relationships with those I am closest to! Which for me, are the relationships I have with my children. As important as my boys are--my primary relationship must be the one between my creator and my self for me to be happy.

Sara said...

as usual, as always, your words brighten my FB visit... so many folks still crying in their soup and then complaining that it is salty... you get into things prepared to go the distance and then you go the distance... you are aware that often lessons don't stick well the first time - we must learn them over and over - we practice at life the same way docs and lawyers practice - we hope to get it right hehe... I appreciate that your relationship with your Creator is primary for you - when that works, it all seems to work. <3 Good to hear you are getting to enjoy your son... good all around, that!

Unknown said...

Thank you for your comment Sara. I am glad to hear that I have a positive effect! It seems that some of life's lessons need to be repeated because they are never fully learned...It is, to say the very least, a joy to be able to hear my son joke, take charge of himself; it is moments such as these that he shines from within. I am lucky enough to catch the glow...


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