Current Alert as of 11-5-2011
The current Alert for Alison Hymes is here.
Update: Alison is alright!! MindFreedom Message from David Oaks
A MindFreedom member let us know through a volunteer that she is at
risk of forced psychiatric institutionalization. Below is based on her
report to a volunteer.
Stop The Forced Treatment of Alison Hymes
A long time MindFreedom member, a resident of Charlottesville Virginia
and a tireless advocate for human rights in mental health, Alison
Hymes, for the last two weeks has been confined to the closed and
locked psychiatric unit at Martha Jefferson Hospital, Rucker 3, in
Charlottesville, Virginia.
She has been given a psychiatric evaluation and this Monday, March 14,
2011, a civil commitment hearing has been scheduled for her.
An area lawyer may be at the hearing on Monday, but it is feared that
the decision has already been made, and that she will be sent to
Western State Hospital in Staunton over any objections he may have.
This would be a matter of the sheriff driving her, in handcuffs, over
the mountain to a hospital 40 miles away in the Shenandoah Valley.
Please help us save Alison from being sent to Western State Hospital,
a fate she fears worse than death.
A simple action you can take is to contact the Virginia state
commissioner of mental health demanding that she be released from her
confinement and firmly requesting that she not be sent to Western
State Hospital. His contact information is below:
Jim Stewart
ph: 804-786-3921
Sample message—use your own words…
“Stop the forced treatment of Alison Hymes, allow her to return to her
home, and keep her from being sent to Western State Hospital. She has
been harmed by the treatment she has received in the past, and we'd
like to make sure that she is spared any further harm.”
More information:
Much of Alison's present problems started after she complained about
the effects of the steroids she was taking for her kidney.
For her complaints, hospital staff sent her to a psychiatric unit. She
was taking this medicine because she had had a kidney transplant due
to psychiatric malpractice, lithium poisoning, she had endured in the
past. One of the concerns her friends have is that Alison will not
receive the kind of attention inside Western State Hospital that she
may need, and as a result she could again lose her kidney. Such an
environment as exists at Western State Hospital would be needlessly
placing her life and her health in further jeopardy and peril.
She has been on a prescription of the benzodiazepine klonopin for a
number of years. She had been doing moderately well, when due to
complaints of anxiety and sleeplessness, a doctor this summer put her
on a low dose of Seroquel. Soon afterwards she found herself unable to
drive, cook, bathe properly, or even take care of herself. Her
doctor’s response to her anxiety over her condition was to raise her
dose of Seroquel. He has been raising her dose of Seroquel ever since.
He recently ended her supply of klonopin cold turkey.
She is presently unable to concentrate. She also reports having
difficulty standing up and staying on her feet. She has always had bad
physical reactions to neuroleptic drugs, and she wishes to be weaned
off them.
MindFreedom International
454 Willamette, Suite 216 - POB 11284
Eugene, OR 97440-3484 USA
office phone: 541-345-9106 fax: 480-287-8833
member services toll free in USA: 1-877-MAD-PRID[e] or 1-877-623-7743
Unite for a Nonviolent Revolution in Mental Health.
Join now!
"Human salvation lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted."
- Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.
______________________________ _________________
MindFreedom Solidarity Network.
MIND YOUR FREEDOM: United Action for Human Rights!
This list is for current MindFreedom members who have registered as participants in the MindFreedom Shield Program. Please only copy and forward posts off
list with the explicit permission of the poster. Thank you.
MindFreedom Support Coalition International is an independent non-profit uniting 100 sponsor groups to win human rights & alternatives in mental health.
MindFreedom is acredited by the United Nations as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) with Consultative Roster Status.
The current Alert for Alison Hymes is here.
Update: Alison is alright!! MindFreedom Message from David Oaks
A MindFreedom member let us know through a volunteer that she is at
risk of forced psychiatric institutionalization. Below is based on her
report to a volunteer.
Stop The Forced Treatment of Alison Hymes
A long time MindFreedom member, a resident of Charlottesville Virginia
and a tireless advocate for human rights in mental health, Alison
Hymes, for the last two weeks has been confined to the closed and
locked psychiatric unit at Martha Jefferson Hospital, Rucker 3, in
Charlottesville, Virginia.
She has been given a psychiatric evaluation and this Monday, March 14,
2011, a civil commitment hearing has been scheduled for her.
An area lawyer may be at the hearing on Monday, but it is feared that
the decision has already been made, and that she will be sent to
Western State Hospital in Staunton over any objections he may have.
This would be a matter of the sheriff driving her, in handcuffs, over
the mountain to a hospital 40 miles away in the Shenandoah Valley.
Please help us save Alison from being sent to Western State Hospital,
a fate she fears worse than death.
A simple action you can take is to contact the Virginia state
commissioner of mental health demanding that she be released from her
confinement and firmly requesting that she not be sent to Western
State Hospital. His contact information is below:
Jim Stewart
ph: 804-786-3921
Sample message—use your own words…
“Stop the forced treatment of Alison Hymes, allow her to return to her
home, and keep her from being sent to Western State Hospital. She has
been harmed by the treatment she has received in the past, and we'd
like to make sure that she is spared any further harm.”
More information:
Much of Alison's present problems started after she complained about
the effects of the steroids she was taking for her kidney.
For her complaints, hospital staff sent her to a psychiatric unit. She
was taking this medicine because she had had a kidney transplant due
to psychiatric malpractice, lithium poisoning, she had endured in the
past. One of the concerns her friends have is that Alison will not
receive the kind of attention inside Western State Hospital that she
may need, and as a result she could again lose her kidney. Such an
environment as exists at Western State Hospital would be needlessly
placing her life and her health in further jeopardy and peril.
She has been on a prescription of the benzodiazepine klonopin for a
number of years. She had been doing moderately well, when due to
complaints of anxiety and sleeplessness, a doctor this summer put her
on a low dose of Seroquel. Soon afterwards she found herself unable to
drive, cook, bathe properly, or even take care of herself. Her
doctor’s response to her anxiety over her condition was to raise her
dose of Seroquel. He has been raising her dose of Seroquel ever since.
He recently ended her supply of klonopin cold turkey.
She is presently unable to concentrate. She also reports having
difficulty standing up and staying on her feet. She has always had bad
physical reactions to neuroleptic drugs, and she wishes to be weaned
off them.
MindFreedom International
454 Willamette, Suite 216 - POB 11284
Eugene, OR 97440-3484 USA
office phone: 541-345-9106 fax: 480-287-8833
member services toll free in USA: 1-877-MAD-PRID[e] or 1-877-623-7743
Unite for a Nonviolent Revolution in Mental Health.
Join now!
"Human salvation lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted."
- Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.
MindFreedom Solidarity Network.
MIND YOUR FREEDOM: United Action for Human Rights!
This list is for current MindFreedom members who have registered as participants in the MindFreedom Shield Program. Please only copy and forward posts off
list with the explicit permission of the poster. Thank you.
MindFreedom Support Coalition International is an independent non-profit uniting 100 sponsor groups to win human rights & alternatives in mental health.
MindFreedom is acredited by the United Nations as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) with Consultative Roster Status.
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