Right now in the State of Minnesota, Elizabeth Ellis is being subjected to forced ECT. Elizabeth has asked MindFreedom to help her stop this torture. Please let Minnesota know FORCED SHOCK ''TREATMENT" IS WRONG!!! ![]() Contact Minnesota State Legislators: US Sen. Al Franken web form:
U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar: http://www.klobuchar.senate.gov/emailamy.cfm U.S. Rep Collin Peterson: http://www.collinpeterson.house.gov/contact.html Note: To use the Peterson web form, you need a district zipcode. You can address your comment 'c/o Elizabeth Ellis' and use her address: 606 20TH AVE S MOORHEAD MN 56560 Forced Electroshock |
Written by MindFreedom Ireland |
Background of Elizabth's Story at Is Something Not Quite Right With Stan |
1 comment:
There's room for some healthy debate about the use of psychiatric drugs...
As much injury as they cause, there may still be a role for them to play in an acute crisis, with adults, with informed consent, in small amounts, for limited periods of time, etc.
Unfortunately, we do not have enough non-drug settings for people to get help in a crisis.
ECT is a different story.
ECT has no place in a civil society.
From my friend, and fellow Texan, John Breeding, Ph.D. -
Click on 'Shock the Pig'
This quote pretty much says it all:
"Psychiatry is to medicine what astrology is to astronomy." - Leonard Roy Frank, ECT Survivor
Thanks for the post.
Duane Sherry, M.S.
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