“Valor is stability, not of legs and arms, but of courage and the soul.”
Michel de Montaigne, French Philosopher (1533-1592)
“If all men were just, there would be no need of valor”
Agesilaus, Spartan King (444 BC-360 BC)
New addition to the Veterans section! Check Dakota's site out and donate to the cause...
Please remember to pray for our troops and their families!
via dakotameyer.com

President Obama awarded Sgt. Meyer The Medal of Honor in recognition of his acts of extraordinary valor on Sept. 8, 2009, which saved the lives of 13 US Marines and Soldiers and 23 Afghans. Over the course of a six-hour firefight, without regard for his own personal safety, Sgt. Meyer repeatedly braved enemy fire in eastern Afghanistan attempting to find and save fellow members of his embedded training team. read the rest here
"This isn't about me. If anything comes out of this for me, it's for those guys."
Sgt. Dakota Meyer
Thank you for your Service Dakota Meyer!
previous post featuring Sgt. Dakota Meyer here
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