Via The Director's Blog:

April 20, 2012
The Future of Psychiatry (= Clinical Neuroscience)
Insel ends his post with this statement, "So maybe there is an identity crisis for psychiatry in the U.S. as well as the U.K. But the U.S. version seems filled with hope and excitement, with many of the best and brightest now deciding that they can bring new approaches to help people challenged by mental illness." here
Same old neurobiological disease illusion same old tired "Stay the Course" translational science bs...
I'll let Betty White say it for me:
This is insane. Psychiatry is like a deep sea diver that went too many leagues under the sea, and got confused, and never returned again. Psychiatry is lost and morphing into neuroscience. great. This means psychology can breathe again and rebuild. finally. back to WWII, where we left off. Tragically, it will be the innocent thousands of lives that will have to pay for this paradigm shift.
-Patrice Campion
I think he is deluded. That people can be reduced to chemistry without looking at life experiences? Not even sure how to describe how naive this conclusion is.
To be involved in the decisions for someone else's body is against their right. It produces only a waste of vital lifetime, it promotes little of entire health, it even involves harming people and animals in experimentation with medications! How dare it ever be so on this earth made by God! How dare it reduce people to wreckages, with additional health issues! How dare this industry be aligned with the law, and have power and fear as the control measures used over people worldwide!! How dare it be an excuse to further abuse!!! How dare it be prolonged that this industry is not shown to be the fear factory that it is!!
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