Psychiatric Drug Facts via :

“Most psychiatric drugs can cause withdrawal reactions, sometimes including life-threatening emotional and physical withdrawal problems… Withdrawal from psychiatric drugs should be done carefully under experienced clinical supervision.” Dr. Peter Breggin

Feb 18, 2012

Misunderstanding Psychiatry (and philosophy) at the Highest Level Bullshit

"to paraphrase a line from the film Cool Hand Luke
“What we got here is a failure to communicate!"
No doc, what we got here is Bullshit.

Believing Bullshit activates Bullshit's placebo effect.
 Bullshit is safe and effective. 

I've read quite a few learned scholars who write Bullshit
This one appears to be full of it!

Psychiatry's "protected" academic elite, i.e. the idiots who have lied about the Drug Trial data; the researchers who used biased, unethical methodology in clinical trial research harming real people; ultimately reporting their corrupt data in "peer reviewed" professional journals and at conferences.  In effect, these research psychiatrists lied about the benefit risk profiles of the drugs.  People have died. Millions of children have been told there is something wrong with their brains, and that they need to take teratogenic psychiatric drugs; when there in fact has been no pathology or dysfunction identified.  The children are then drugged using neurotoxins which can actually cause dysfunction, i.e. iatrogenic dysfunction.  Only after psychiatric treatment, do the children have something diagnostically wrong with their brain!?  I am not a doctor, but I could play one on TV. I'm not smart and adjudicated by psychiatry and philosophy, so I'll pretend I'm a real live doctor; but I'm gonna do the philosophy first.  Alrighty then!

Who is right about the science---is not what matters most.  What matters is what is being done to real human beings behind the indiscriminate, prolific prescribing of drugs.  Drugs approved based on utter Bullshit in some cases.  Then, the Highest Level Bullshit artists (such geniuses) don't retract Bullshit from their 'professional' journals.  The 'professional journals' are considered 'Resources' to physicians who then treat their patients with drugs based on this 'peer-reviewed' Bullshit. Holy Cow! Standard Treatment Protocols based on Bullshit are used, and now the Bullshit is what is being vehemently defended along with the Bullshit artists, who are still considered Leaders in the "medical" specialty of Psychiatry?!  WTF kind of willful blindness allows a group of 'professionals' to utterly and completely fail to discipline, censure and strip the licenses from it's members who have participated in blatant criminal behavior?! The academic elite have harmed patients and caused other professionals who relied on their Bullshit research to harm patients, and yet they are still "leaders." 

"Medical Professionals" who rely on this corrupt data, are defending it, and the criminals who have purposely perpetrated fraud; if this is the 'Highest Level' ---why would anyone believe this Bullshit?!!  Only a psychiatrist at the Highest Level would think a big huge steaming load of Bullshit is "Evidence-Based Medicine."

Now there's a philosophy right there, I tell ya what!  I think I've about wrapped it up...
oh wait, psychiatry is medicine, that is supposedly misunderstood...
Well, not by me!  I'm not believing the Bullshit Pies...

Philosophically, it doesn't matter, whose analysis is correct.  The Real World Outcomes matter.   For the patients, it is all that matters.  In the aggregate, Psychiatry at the Highest Level has  Real World 'treatment' Outcomes that are lousy and indefensible.  Attempting to defend them is despicable; doing so adds insult to injury to say the very least.  Defending psychiatry while failing to defend, assist or even acknowledge the psychiatric patients who have been harmed by this Highest Level Bullshit, is morally reprehensible.  Psychiatric drugs are thrown by the handfuls onto the playgrounds and into school classrooms; sprayed like scatter shot at traumatized veterans; and used to sedate grandpa and grandma into early graves.  The Highest Level Bullshit artists seem to be willfully blind, conflicted elitists who castigate other professionals who have the audacity to think critically of the disability and death toll that the Highest Level Bullshit has had on the patients 'successfully treated;' i.e. treatment compliant, or not. 

It is one thing to defend a hypothesis that is not yet validated; and to continue to look for the evidence to validate it. It is quite another to use belief in it's validity, i.e. one's personal conviction of it's inherent truth, as a justification for using coercion and and fraud to compel patient's to believe your Bullshit, or use the Courts to force your Bullshit down patient's necks.  Doing so, is contrary to the philosophy of medicine in the Hippocratic tradition. It is unethical. It is criminal.  It is not therapeutic. It is unsafe and inefficacious to use teratogenic drugs indiscriminately across diagnostic categories and population groups. It is not in a patient's "best interest" to prescribe drugs regardless of the safety and fail to warn about the serious risks. That the prescriptions can be entirely without sufficient empirical support, is stunning; obviously, unethical.  Even worse, drugs are commonly prescribed in spite of evidence that it is not safe or efficacious; and this is done using treatment algorithms in endless combinations, i.e. polypharmacy; and this is called, a standard clinical practice, in spite of not being supported by valid empirical research or patient outcome data.  What exactly is being defended is standards of care that are not based on medical science, medical ethics, or using ethical medical judgement. The standards were developed through a quasi-democratic political process. Professionals voting to achieve a "consensus of professional opinions" is not a scientific process, it is a political endeavor. In this way leaders in psychiatry have made it a "legal" standard clinical practice to conduct Human Experimentation; and call it a "standard of care."  

How anyone interprets Bullshit
 has never been 
as important as 
Real World Outcomes.

Intent on preserving a sense of integrity for the profession, with outcomes not worthy of defending at all, psychiatry is clearly understood to be robbing people of cognitive and intellectual abilities while causing neurological, autonomic, metabolic, endocrine and hormonal dysfunction all common negative effects--(not side effects) of psychiatry's Bullshit 'treatments.'  Given the broad spectrum effects of 'Bullshit-Based Medicine,' psychiatry, in it's present incarnation of 'psycho' pharmacology, takes lives at an alarming rate; and calls drug-induced deaths, 'natural' instead of acknowledging it is iatrogenic homicide. After being striped of their basic human rights, people can be legally forced to take teratogens...WHY does this not sound like Medicine?  Is it because treatment could actually cause the patient iatrogenic illnesses, and ultimately a decades early death?  

Claiming Psychiatry (and Philosophy) is Misunderstood, is Bullshit;
it's a common side-effect of believing your own Bullshit Pies.

Bullshit-Based Medicine causes one hell of a 
iatrogenic injury.
(NO Bullshit!)

Misunderstanding Psychiatry (and philosophy) at the Highest Level Bullshit: Any professional who questions psychopharmacology and use of the bio-disease model, or the lousy real world treatment outcomes, lacks insight; "Misunderstanding Psychiatry (and Philosophy) at the Highest Level." Apparently, Bullshit Artists become immune to Bullshit.

Whatever deceives men seems to produce a magical enchantment.
~ Plato

Let's just say I am neither deceived, nor enchanted.

I'm a MadMother immune to Bullshit.

Bullshit pics from photobucket

Feb 17, 2012

Friday Funny: John Habkirk's jokes

A Giant Insect Costume is Their Everest

Father Murphy walks into a pub in Donegal, and says to the first man he meets, "Do you want to go to heaven?"

The man said, "I do, Father."

The priest said, "Then stand over there against the wall."

Then the priest asked the second man, "Do you want to go to heaven?"

"Certainly, Father," was the man's reply.

"Then stand over there against the wall," said the priest.

Then Father Murphy walked up to O'Toole and said, "Do you want to go to heaven?"

O'Toole said, "No, I don't Father."

The priest said, "I don't believe this. You mean to tell me that when you die you don't want to go to heaven?"

O'Toole said, "Oh, when I die, yes. I thought you were getting a group together to go right now."

Two cows are standing next to each other in a field. 
Daisy says to Dolly, "I was artificially inseminated this morning." 
"I don't believe you," says Dolly. 
"It's true; no bull!" exclaims Daisy.

"Doc, I can't stop singing The Green, Green Grass of Home.." 
"That sounds like Tom Jones Syndrome." 
"Is it common?" 
"Well, It's Not Unusual."

Two antennas met on a roof, fell in love and got married. The ceremony wasn't much, but the reception was excellent...

Why do cats purr? 
For the same reason transformers hum: they don't know the words.

hat tip John Habkirk

Another scandal out of Texas

"Concern for man himself and his fate must always form the chief interest of all technical endeavor."

The aberrant nature of some people is enough to question whether deviant decisions are due to a loss of integrity; or simply evidence that ethical integrity was merely an affectation the individual has discarded.  Failure of individuals in positions of trust to conform to the ethical principles of their chosen profession causes scandal; as well it should.  

I have been following the conflict of interest scandal at the American Journal of Bioethics, or AJOB. A financially successful underachiever, and a veritable poster boy for unethical conduct, presidential hopeful, Rick Perry, is one of the players; and so are some of his cronies.  It is typical for humans with unethical behavior to be driven by self-interested motives; and typical for them to 'do business' with others that have the same characteristic flaws.  Unfortunately, when this happens, it has the potential to cause all of us to experience negative consequences for their unethical conduct.

The situation is not difficult to understand; but it is involved, and better explained by others.  I've posted a couple of sources 

A couple of quotes written in reference to another scandal sums it up pretty well: 
"Appearances matter, and when it comes to inspiring trust, they matter as much as reality."  
"Side deals and back-scratching in Texas—imagine that!"

The language of Bioethics via Ethics Alarms
Ethical Analysis Toolkit: Definitions, Principles and Concepts

via Fear and Loathing in Bioethics

A Reporter's Guide the American Journal of Bioethics Scandal Sunday February 12, 2012 
a brief excerpt:

"So you've read the Twitter feeds and the blogs, but you are still not sure exactly what is going on with the story. All you know is that it has something to do with dubious stem cell treatments, a bioethics journal editor, the FDA, Rick Perry, a puppy-cloning stem cell outfit in Korea, and a couple of unexpected deaths. You want to investigate further, but you need a guide. That's what I hope to give you here.


"RNL Bio: a South Korea-based based company at the center of the “stem cell tourism” controversy. RNL Bio prepares stem cells and distributes them to clinics all over the world, which then market stem cell therapy to patients for cosmetic purposes and anti-aging therapy, as well as serious illnesses such as Parkinson's disease and kidney failure. These stem cell therapies are illegal in South Korea, so RNL Bio has set up operations in other countries, including the U.S., China and Japan. The FDA has not approved these treatments and many reputable researchers believe they are risky and ineffective. In November 2010, the Korean media reported that two patients had died after receiving RNL Bio stem cell injections." read here


Posted by Pete Shanks on February 16th, 2012

Rick Perry 
"equates creationism with evolution ... and is using and promoting "treatments that are at present more closely tied to quackery then medicine." read here

picture by  Andy Love

Feb 14, 2012

Chris Busche Thanks MindFreedom Shield Campaign

MindFreedom Shield News - 14 February 2012

       Chris Busche finally free of NJ psychiatric institution

       Chris thanks MindFreedom Shield Campaign

Psychiatric survivor Chris Busche got a special Valentine's Day gift

He's free of a psychiatric institution in New Jersey where he's been
locked up for about 19 months.

Chris attributes part of this victory in getting free to the
MindFreedom Shield Campaign, which has put out a number of alerts on
his behalf. Krista Erickson is chair of the MFI Shield campaign, and
her committee has never given up on Chris's campaign. Chris is even on
the campaign email list.

Chris phoned the MindFreedom office a few hours after getting out the
institution door at about 2 pm ET to say he's now free.

Chris asked, "Tell the MindFreedom Shield campaign 'thanks for
everything you're doing.' The shield campaign helped in a few ways.
The campaign helped keep me feeling centered. And it helped keep the
pressure on."

Demanding that the psychiatric system provide housing for Chris
outside of the institution was one of the biggest challenges. Said
Chris, "It took a long time to get me out. I was in the institution
from July 2010 until today, approximately 19 months."

Al Galves of New Mexico is active in the MindFreedom Shield campaign,
and on the MFI Board of Directors. Al has personally flown in and
visited Chris in New Jersey, and also talked with Chris on the phone
for a total of many hours. Al helped create one of the alerts to
successfully demand that the institution respond to communications
about Chris.

Al said,  "Chris is a very courageous man. My applause is to him for
hanging in there. He didn't give up. He kept on going forward, so
that's great. I'm also thankful to all the Shield members who
communicated with him. I think it was important for him to be
connected with people outside. We'll keep on advocating for him inside
the group home."

Chris said, "I'm now in a group home in Sweetsboro, New Jersey. It's
run by a company called AdvoServ, and it looks like approximately 15
to 20 people live here. The place looks a little dumpy, but it's
better than the hospital. I am still being coercively medicated, but
they said they'd work me down to the lowest possible amount."

Nearly a year ago, MindFreedom put out several alerts for Chris, then
29-years-old. You can see some of the past alerts here:

Chris may be off email for about a week as he gets hooked back up to
the Internet. He will read any 'congratulations' messages at his email
address here:


Please forward this news.

For more info on the MindFreedom Shield, click here:

MindFreedom International
454 Willamette, Suite 216 - POB 11284
Eugene, OR 97440-3484 USA

office phone: 541-345-9106 fax: 480-287-8833
member services toll free in USA: 1-877-MAD-PRID[e] or 1-877-623-7743

Unite for a Nonviolent Revolution in Mental Health.

Join now!

The salvation of our world lies in the hands of the aladjusted.

~Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The Second Amendment

"The beauty of the 2nd Amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it." ~Thomas Jefferson

Feb 13, 2012

Human Experiments

via Nature

Human experiments: First, do harm

In the 1940s, US doctors deliberately infected thousands of Guatemalans with venereal diseases. The wound is still raw. Matthew Walter 08 February 2012

an excerpt: 
"The injections came without warning or explanation. As a low-ranking soldier in the Guatemalan army in 1948, Federico Ramos was preparing for weekend leave one Friday when he was ordered to report to a clinic run by US doctors.
"Ramos walked to the medical station, where he was given an injection in his right arm and told to return for another after his leave. As compensation, Ramos's commanding officer gave him a few coins to spend on prostitutes. The same thing happened several times during the early months of Ramos's two years of military service. He believes that the doctors were deliberately infecting him with venereal disease.
"Now 87 years old, Ramos says that he has suffered for most of his life from the effects of those injections. After leaving the army, he returned to his family's remote village, on a steep mountain slope northeast of Guatemala City. Even today, Las Escaleras has no electricity or easy access to medical attention. It wasn't until he was 40, nearly two decades after the injections, that Ramos saw a doctor and was diagnosed with syphilis and gonorrhoea. He couldn't pay for medication." read here
Rense Report: A History Of US Secret Human Experimentation  read here


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