Psychiatric Drug Facts via :

“Most psychiatric drugs can cause withdrawal reactions, sometimes including life-threatening emotional and physical withdrawal problems… Withdrawal from psychiatric drugs should be done carefully under experienced clinical supervision.” Dr. Peter Breggin

Dec 30, 2010

Mea Culpa

I ran the same story twice unintentionally.  It started with the story I ran the day after Christmas.  Night before last I looked at it and realized I had put up the wrong document.  Then while fixing that, I decided I had more to say.  Then it took HOURS to get my finished article to post at all.  Suffice to say that I am not going to do any more fixing or alterations to either of my two identical posts with different titles.  I figure it is a story that should be repeated until no child is ever again used as research fodder by Dr. Jack-ass; or any other quack in a coat.

Dec 29, 2010

A MadMother In Pro Per

"pro per" adj. short for "propria persona," which is Latin for "for oneself," usually applied to a person who represents himself/herself in a lawsuit rather than have an attorney.

This is the report I wrote and served upon The State of Washington in Dependency Court in Yakima County Superior Court.  I was pleading for my son's release from Child Study and Treatment Center; a place I had been misinformed was a hospital; it is in fact a research facility. CSTC staff had documented that my son Isaac no longer needed to be at CSTC; but there had been no effort to move him.  I also served the state with a copy of the Home Care Plan I had developed based on what hospital staff recommended; even though I did not agree with the recommendations.  For one thing, staff insisted that 24 hour awake supervision was necessary; my first thought was, "how in the hell would I be able to sleep?  What the heck would a paid staff person do while everyone was sleeping?!" For this, and many other reasons, I believed the CSTC staff's recommendations were unrealistic, ill-informed, and cost prohibitive. I later discovered none of these professionals had ever sent a child disabled by iatrogenic injuries; i.e. physician caused drug-induced neurological and cognitive impairments.Prior to my son being released from CSTC to come home as the State's permanency plan always stated, CSTC had not ever discharged a seriously cognitively impaired kid home to live with their family. Why CSTC staff pretended to know how to do ssoemthing they had never done, remains a mystery.

CSTC's staff claimed that the recommendations were based upon their professional experience. The only thing staff knew to do, is the only thing staff had done in the past; that is, discharge patients to a residential care facility. In the little over a year between my having the below petition served on the state, on my own attorney, the GAL, and the court, and Isaac finally returning home, I found he Washington State Legislature had commissioned a literature review study to determine what setting and services were in the best interest of children and adolescents with serious behavioral difficulties like my son Isaac experienced. Specifically the study was to determine what kind of treatment services gave children, youth and their families the necessary support to succeed. The conclusion was children and youth were best served by assisting their families to take care of them in their family home since it is cost effective, i.e. less expensive, kids and families have better outcomes. Incredibly, the study concluded, the kids had fewer relapses and required fewer inpatient hospitalizations.  The study was done at the request of Washington State Legislature and cost $50,000.  The work itself was conducted on the same campus where  CSTC is located in Lakewood, Washington.  The study was staff claimed, unknown to them entirely; and never used by the professionals who insisted institutional, residential care was required for Isaac's care upon release from the state's pediatric psychiatric research facility.

When I asked why the research relevant to the discussion was not used, I learned CSTC staff were unaware of the study.  I then asked what studies, or standards the recommendation was based on? The answer: none. Not one staff member could provide any supporting evidence for it's professional recommendation for Isaac's post-discharge care. Adding insult to injury, CSTC staff claimed staff member's professional opinions had no bearing or any potential to influence the state's decision on placement of my son as a state ward. Truthfully, it was CSTC staff who first questioned the permanency plan that had been on every single Court Order from the time Washington State wrested custody away from me falsely claiming placing Isaac in  state custody was required for Medicaid to continue to pay for his medical care...I found out years later this claim was not true, the only benefit of making my son a state ward was that once he was a state ward, the State was able to defraud federal child welfare and Medicaid programs by claiming he had no family. It is against Federal Law to make a child a state ward to compel federal programs to reimburse states for a larger percentage of a child's medical care, residential care costs, it is fraud. CSTC staff were insistent that their recommendation of discharging my son to a Residential Care facility was the only option. Not once in the four plus years Isaac's was at CSTC had the staff tried to alter the state's permanency plan. It was only when I personally forced CSTC into putting in writing my son no longer needed to be at CSTC that staff members attempted to offer it's "professional opinion" on Isaac's custody. The fact is, CSTC staff had been aware throughout Isaac's incarceration at CSTC, the permanent plan on every single dependency Court Order was for Isaac to return home. This permanency plan was only disputed because CSTC staff balked at the idea of Isaac returning home to live. CSTC staff insisted that discharge to a residential care facility was the only viable option---I discovered staff recommended Residential Care since discharging brain damaged kids to such facilities was the only thing CSTC staff had experience doing in real world practice; not because staff had thoroughly investigated what may best serve Isaac's needs, nor did staff include either Isaac or myself in developing their professional recommendation for meeting Isaac's ongoing care requirements.

I wrote the report below and shad it served upon the State in February of 2004. Everyone, including my court-appointed attorney were served by a Process Server.  I was later told, "they never saw you coming."  My son finally came home on January 5, 2005.  At 660.90 a day, the year and a half my son was incarcerated at CSTC when he no longer needed to be, cost the taxpayers $361,842. There were kids waiting to be admitted the entire time; there always is.  Kids waiting to be admitted, just like my son waited---for over a year---from the time his psychiatrist informed Yakima County's children's resource manger Isaac needed long-term psychiatric inpatient treatment. The children's resource manager did nothing to facilitate my son's admission to CSTC for six months.

Isaac was admitted to CSTC when he was twelve and a half year old boy...
I brought him home a couple months before he turned seventeen.

When my son returned home in January 2005, the in-home services were provided by Catholic Community Services out of Pierce County which is across the State; the local mental health clinic CWCMH, refused to provide the services.  The services were much appreciated and were provided by wonderful people.  They were more than what was needed; as I had predicted.  We used the in-home care services for six months---before we determined that tolerating inappropriate, unnecessary services in order to have needed respite available, was too stressful.  The fact is, as I had maintained all along: respite care and appropriate therapeutic rehabilitation services are all we needed; these are still what we need.

The director of Yakima County Human Services, Steve Hill, and the DSHS Region II Children's Administrator, Ken Nichols, failed to do their jobs in an ethical manner. These two public servants failed to perform their ethical duties as public servants; their failure cost the people of the State of Washington over $300,000.; and unnecessarily deprived my son of his liberty for nearly two additional years.  A civil penalty of $1,000. a day is attached to such egregious deprivations of an individual's liberty. The penalty upon the individual, regardless of employment status, including publicly funded work for a government entity; it is a civil penalty that applies to every individual whose actions and/or whose failures to act cause a person to be deprived of their liberty in any locked facility. for those who are incarcerated, individuals are deprived of liberty if they remain incarcerated after serving their sentence. In the case of a people in locked psychiatric facilities, once staff have determined the person no longer requires treatment only available at a psychiatric inpatient hospital or in the case of Child Study and Treatment Center, a psychiatric research facility.  

CSTC had unethically obtained a Court Order in Pierce County Superior Court to Involuntarily Commit my son while simultaneously issuing bi-monthly progress reports to the Yakima County Children's Administration, Yakima County Human Services, GCBH RSN, and Yakima County Superior Court at dependency review hearings that Isaac would be better served in the community, i.e. he no longer needed to be hospitalized. I believe the court order for Involuntary Commitment was sought in Pierce County to prevent me following through with my statement that I could take him home since he was a voluntary patient. This appeared to be perceived as a threat by CSTC staff, particularly by Leah Landis, the psychologist for the unit Isaac was on. The woman actually referred to the kids as "our children" as if the kids belonged to CSTC, in her attempts to persuade me to not actively advocate for my son's release, asking that I at least wait until  "the studies" were completed.  When I asked for clarification, i.e.what studies Ms. Landis was referring to, I was told that because Isaac was a ward of the state, I didn't have the right to know what studies he was enrolled in, my consent, informed or otherwise was not asked for or needed I was repeatedly told by the Medical Director, Jon McClellan.

The fact of the matter is, until Pierce County Superior Court granted the Court Order which allowed CSTC to involuntarily treat my son, I was the only person besides Isaac, who had any legal authority to provide Informed Consent for his treatment at CSTC according to Washington State Law and federal Medicaid guidelines and protection for Human subjects research. In spite of this, the medical director of CSTC, Jon McClellan, a psychiatrist and federally funded psychiatric researcher, repeatedly told me I had no say in treatment decisions. In fact, Jon McClellan maintained he did not need my consent for my son's psychiatric treatment the entire time my son was an inpatient at CSTC; the research facility I had been led to believe was a hospital...

Conflicting claims about Isaac's need for inpatient treatment were maintained for months by CSTC staff in Washington State Superior Courts in two counties. Yakima County was informed that Isaac as ready to be discharged, while Pierce County granted a Court Order for extended involuntary treatment. Obviously, it's not possible he met the legal requirement for a involuntary inpatient treatment and that he was also  ready for discharge from inpatient treatment...The Pierce County Court Order in effect, "legally" deprived me of my parental rights to make decisions about his treatment, although I had effectively been deprived from the beginning of Isaac's stay at CSTC by Jon McClellan. I believe the Court Order was sought to prevent me from following through on my stated intention, take my son home. The court order made taking him home a felony crime. The court order was illegal---evidence of the order's illegality is contained in the written reports that CSTC staff issued every two months stating Isaac no longer needed inpatient psychiatric care, the entire time the court order was in effect...

Post script: The report I submitted to the court in 2004 states that Isaac got the "recommended treatment;" more accurately, he was hospitalized, as his psychiatrist recommended. The years between Isaac aging out of the ATTACH day treatment program at age six in 1994, and going to CSTC in 2000, he went without day treatment and intensive in home services which were consistently the recommended treatment, but the method of treatment was never actually prioritized; or even available. Day treatment is a priority according to RCW 71.24.035 section 5b; it is a "priority" that is required to participate in the Federal Medicaid program. The mental health services required by the Early Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment for a child's emotional and behavioral difficulties are clearly prioritized within the Revised Code of Washington and Washington State's Administrative Code; and required by numerous contracts between the Federal Medicaid program, the State Medicaid program, the Greater Columbia Behavioral Health Regional Support Network; Yakima County Department of Human Services, and the community mental health service providers, but never available for children and youth. Day treatment, and other EPSDT services for children are still unavailable to this day...  

I first posted my report on December 29, 2010
judge graphic credit Legal Juice

Age of Consent Can Mean No "Informed Consent"

This post was posted mid December 2010 with a different title. It names the multiple drugs that my son was on in the two months before the date of the document, 10-8-2001.  I have also included a document where the research psychiatrist addresses my "concerns."  On December 31, 2011 I added the  paragraph on the discharge criteria and the TEOSS trial exclusions from

In Washington State a 13 year old can give consent for mental health and substance abuse treatment.  The thinking behind the law was that a teenager could obtain help that he or she felt was needed and not need a parent's approval.  I can see the logic in this.  I am so very aware of how this law was misused by the unethical psychiatrists at the state psychiatric facility for children in Washington and the psychiatrists  in  community mental health centers once he came home.

My son went to this facility in October of 2000 and turned 13 the following March.  In 2001 the Medical Director, a Federally funded researcher, had him on numerous drugs and when I protested, he told me I had no say!  Who was providing consent?  My lost son who could not hold a couple minute conversation, and often would not respond at all?  I know I never gave consent for any of what was done to my son.

It appears to me that this "researcher" was using my son in drug trials.  Obviously if he was, I did not give consent for that either.  Ultimately, shortly after the report below was written he put him on Clozaril, which to this day is not approved for use in juveniles under the age of sixteen.  By November of 2003, my son had tachycardia.  Still my protests went unheeded.  By November of 2004 his BMI was 34.3 and he weighed 246 lbs.  June of 2003 they added a trial of Abilify!  July of 2003 he was put on Depakote for aggression, not an approved use for Depakote..  January of 2004 Dr. Tom Semper lamented that Isaac had a QTC interval in the 440s which meant he couldn't be put on a trial of Geodon in addition to the clozaril, depakote, ativan, colace and miralax!

I know that during these two months this report covers, my son was given huge doses of many drugs which were not approved for use in children.  I know that when I went to see him I was terrified for him.  I know I was treated like shit when I dared voice my alarm at the horrifying deleterious effects the drugs were having on my son.  I thought my son was going to die.   And now I know he could have.  The research psychiatrist acted like a thug not a doctor.  My son begged me to take him out of there the whole time.  I wanted to,  because I know that what I saw was my son getting sicker and I believed then and believe now it was the massive amounts of toxic substances this man gave him--my son with a high IQ that loved to do so much and now...Remembers how he, "used to be able to do that."

In all reality I am truly stunned at the totally cavalier attitude about this sort of thing HOW THE HELL can the State of Washington justify letting this idiot keep his job??!!  Did the people of the State of Washington pay this man to do this to my son?  All of us are familiar with the Hippocratic oath, "First do no harm..."
Here is another Hippocrates quote that is apropos:
"When a doctor can not do good, he must be kept from doing harm."  Hippocrates

Showing he had no need for Informed consent, here is the document from my first post, dated 5-3-04.  This is when he discusses on paper my "concerns," which is what Quack Master Jack called my alarm and vehement protest of his using my son in his drug trials---of course he fails to mention that I had in fact been protesting the deleterious effects of the 'treatment' forced upon my son the since the summer of 2001. Of course he also didn't mention that I had confronted him about not complying with the Ethics Guidelines for Informed Consent that he had written for The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

The fact of the matter is Informed Consent NEVER occurred.  And in this "Psychiatric Summary" he implies that my seriously ill son taking what is given him, is a sufficient substitute.  My son's taking the drugs constituted assent.  I know, as do all the medical staff at CSTC; my boy was coerced.  Informed Consent would need to be choice made based on the facts, and without being coerced.  The facts about these harsh drugs were never told to me by this research psychiatrist; and I'm sure he never had a meaningful conversation with my son about the risks or the potential benefits.  I found out the facts when I researched on my own.  When I read the actual studies detailing rates for death, iatrogenic illnesses, and disability; I cannot tell you the depth of the betrayal I felt.  The fact is, what Quack master Jack calls "concern" was outrage and protest.  My vehement protests were met with derision and ridicule; summarily  dismissed.  Additionally, the Court Order was obtained in order to prevent me from taking my son home, as I said I would. Once the Court order was obtained, I was told by staff that if I brought my son home, it would be a crime. Once CSTC obtained a Court Order in Pierce County Superior Court, it from then on would claim in Pierce County inpatient treatment was required, and telling Yakima County  Superior Court that he would better be better served by being released to live in the community.

My questions were answered with insufficient information, or ignored.  The fact that my son had PTSD and Temporal Lobe Epilepsy, a neurological condition which can have the same symptoms of schizophrenia made the diagnosis of schizophrenia suspect; the use of so many toxic drugs without I22nformed Consent, criminal.  Either one of these diagnoses should have excluded him from being enrolled in the TEOSS trials----

Treatment of Early Onset Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders (TEOSS)
Exclusion Criteria:
  • Risperidone (RIS), olanzapine (OLA)*, or molindone (MOL) for 8 weeks or more during THIS episode, with 2 weeks at the maximal dose (6 mg/day of RIS, 20 mg/day of OLA, or 140 mg/day of MOL)
  • If using antidepressant and/or mood stabilizing medications, treatment for fewer than 30 days immediately before entry
  • Intolerance or nonresponse to RIS, OLA*, or MOL during any previous treatment
  • Bipolar affective disorder, post traumatic stress disorder, personality disorder, or psychosis not otherwise specified  (emphasis mine)
  • Currently meeting DSM IV criteria for major depression episode
  • DSM IV criteria for substance abuse or dependence with intention to continue illicit substance abuse
  • Endocrinological or neurological conditions which confound the diagnosis or are a contraindication to treatment with antipsychotics  (emphasis mine) e.g. Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
  • Mental retardation
  • Risk of suicide or homicide that is not adequately controlled in the current setting
  • Pregnancy or refusal to practice contraception during the study

For My Son, The Age Of Consent Meant No "Informed Consent"


This post was posted mid December 2010 with a different title. It names the multiple drugs that my son was on in the two months before the date of the document, 10-8-2001.  I have also included a document where the research psychiatrist addresses my "concerns."  On December 31, 2011 I added the  paragraph on the discharge criteria and the TEOSS trial exclusions from

In Washington State a 13 year old can give consent for mental health and substance abuse treatment.  The thinking behind the law was that a teenager could obtain help that he or she felt was needed and not need a parent's approval.  I can see the logic in this.  I am so very aware of how this law was misused by the unethical doctors at the state psychiatric facility for children in Washington and doctors in our community once I brought my son home.

My son went to this facility in October of 2000 and turned 13 the following March.  In 2001 the Medical Director, a Federally funded researcher, had him on numerous drugs and when I protested, he told me I had no say!  Who was providing consent?  My lost son who could not hold a couple minute conversation; and often would not respond at all?  I know I never gave consent for any of what was done to my son.

It appears to me that this "researcher" was using my son in drug trials.  Obviously if he was, I did not give consent for that either.  Ultimately, shortly after the report below was written he put him on Clozaril, which to this day is not approved for use in thirteen year old adolescents.  By November of 2003 my son had tachycardia.  Still my protests went unheeded.  By November of 2004 his BMI was 34.3 and he weighed 246 lbs.  June of 2003 they added a trial of Abilify!  July of 2003 he was put on Depakote for aggression, not an approved use for Depakote..  January of 2004 Dr. Tom Semper lamented that Isaac had a QTC interval in the 440s which meant he couldn't be put on a trial of Geodon in addition to the clozaril, depakote, ativan, colace and miralax!

I know that during these two months this report covers, my son was given huge doses of many drugs which were not approved for use in children. I know that when I went to see him I was terrified for him. I know I was treated like shit when I dared voice my alarm at the horrifying deleterious effects the drugs were having on my son.  I thought my son was going to die; and now I know he could have.  The research psychiatrist acted like a thug not a doctor.  My son begged me to take him out of there the whole time.  I wanted to, because I know that what I saw was my son getting sicker and I believed then and believe now it was the massive amounts of toxic substances this man gave him--my son with a high IQ that loved to do so much and now...Remembers how he, "used to be able to do that."

In all reality I am truly stunned at the totally cavalier attitude about this sort of thing HOW THE HELL can the State of Washington justify letting this idiot keep his job??!!  Did the people of the State of Washington pay this man to do this?  All of us are familiar with the Hippocratic oath, which states, "First do no harm..." Well here is one that applies:

"Whenever a doctor cannot do good, 
he must be kept from doing harm."  

Showing he had no need for Informed consent, here is the document from my first post, dated 5-3-04.  This is when he discusses on paper my "concerns" of course he fails to mention that I had in fact been protesting  since the summer of 2001.  Of course he doesn't mention that I had confronted him about not complying with the Ethics Guidelines for Informed Consent that he had written for The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

The fact of the matter is Informed Consent NEVER occurred.  And in this "Psychiatric Summary" he implies that my seriously ill son taking what is given him, is a sufficient substitute.  My son's taking the drugs constituted assent.  I know, as do all the medical staff at CSTC; my boy was coerced.  Informed Consent would need to be choice made based on the facts, and without being coerced. The facts about these harsh drugs were never told to me by this research psychiatrist; and I'm sure he never had a meaningful conversation with my son about the risks or the potential benefits.  I found out the facts when I researched on my own.  When I read the actual studies detailing the risk of death, iatogenic illnesses, and disability; I can not tell you the depth of betrayal I felt.  The fact is my "concern" was protest.  My vehement protests were met with derision and ridicule; then summarily  dismissed.  The psychiatrist researcher gave my son multiple harmful drugs that were not approved for pediatric use, and were not approved by anyone but himself.

This Discharge Criteria was on every single bi-monthly report/review---Never was I given any educational materials, let alone a "range of appropriate materials."  My questions were answered with insufficient information or were ignored.  The fact that my son had PTSD and Temporal Lobe Epilepsy a neurological condition which has the same symptoms of schizophrenia---the diagnosis of schizophrenia is suspect, the use of so many toxic drugs without permission is criminal.

Treatment of Early Onset Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders (TEOSS)
Exclusion Criteria:
  • Risperidone (RIS), olanzapine (OLA)*, or molindone (MOL) for 8 weeks or more during THIS episode, with 2 weeks at the maximal dose (6 mg/day of RIS, 20 mg/day of OLA, or 140 mg/day of MOL)
  • If using antidepressant and/or mood stabilizing medications, treatment for fewer than 30 days immediately before entry
  • Intolerance or nonresponse to RIS, OLA*, or MOL during any previous treatment
  • Bipolar affective disorder, post traumatic stress disorder, personality disorder, or psychosis not otherwise specified  (emphasis mine)
  • Currently meeting DSM IV criteria for major depression episode
  • DSM IV criteria for substance abuse or dependence with intention to continue illicit substance abuse
  • Endocrinological or neurological conditions which confound the diagnosis or are a contraindication to treatment with antipsychotics  (emphasis mine) e.g. Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
  • Mental retardation
  • Risk of suicide or homicide that is not adequately controlled in the current setting
  • Pregnancy or refusal to practice contraception during the study

Dec 23, 2010

A Call To Tell The Truth for The RealMrMe

On December 2, 2010 DJ Jaffe posted "Psychiatry vs. Antipsychiatry" on Huffington Post.  I commented on the 13th, and a few days later the article was taken down and all that remains are the comments.  The first is my comment made on the 13th, to his call to action. You are correct he responded.

Why did he put an expanded version of this post in a note on Facebook and advertise it on Twitter stating the same distortions, smearing those in the Civil Rights movement on behalf of those with psychiatric labels?

Given the fact that the first time I wrote about this on Involuntary Transformation, his call to action disappeared from the Huffington Post, I took the liberty of making his current "note" available on this website.

Dec 22, 2010

Following Even One Moral Code Would Be Good For The APA

A Note from Facebook got me on a rant and I don't even know if this was general call to be a kind, and respectful because it is the right thing to do; or a message from the universe that I need to tone down?! It has nothing to do with the note or the sender, I assure you.

I love the sentiment and the idealism, but where have you been?
"the voting public risks becoming the puppets of those who own our mass media. Democracy risks becoming a cruel joke played upon the powerless at the hands of the powerful." It has already happened.

So far, I've learned I don't like it. There is corruption in every system that is involved in any way shape or form of biological, "medical model" of mental health treatment. Laws have been passed that do not protect the human rights of those they are obtained against. Rampant fraud has been occurring for years in the medical profession. It is only the pharmaceutical companies that are getting the giant fines these days, but more than a few doctors wrote those prescriptions....with no accountability for their ethical and legal violations. For the most part, both print and television journalism has been parroting the press releases--and running the direct to consumer advertising, making a living at the cost of journalism ethics. So the reality is--the media machine is oiled, tuned, and plowing across the country. Spreading it's pharmaceutically funded grass roots agenda like manure on the social landscape of America and the World.

The only thing I want to learn from the perpetrators of this fraud is what made them realize that violating their fellow man in this manner was wrong? And, what are they doing to make it right now? Otherwise, while I may be able to learn wonderful things from them, but they are dangerous to defenseless people like my son. (Danger, Will Robinson, danger!)

Reasons to stop hurting and start helping:

The Nuremberg Code, The Constitution, The Ethics Guidelines of the Medical Profession for Informed Consent, and Client and Family Driven care have been policy and Law longer than my son, who has been victimized by psychiatric assault; and is disabled, has been alive. Until these "professionals" can adhere to these moral codes of conduct, they are not medical, and they sure aren't "professionals." I tell ya, it's making me mental though! LMAO!

Merry Freakin' Ho Ho!

Dec 21, 2010

What Is Advocacy? With Links!

I am a former user of the mental health system and the parent of 2 sons, my youngest son has needed a high level of mental health services since he was in pre-school.

I am a passionate advocate for my son and for individuals and families who are struggling to find solutions to difficulties they are experiencing.   There is a Mental Health Transformation going on in this country and around the world in which Consumer/Survivors are continuing to find their common ground and work cooperatively with those who supportive of the goal of "care without coercion," or force of law.  We have allies both inside and outside of the present system and with all of us working together, we will, be able to effect a positive change.  This movement has been around for decades--but has been muted by the Big-Pharma funded "advocacy" movement, the unethical reporting of psychiatric research data, and the media machine which continues to disseminate it's fundamentally flawed distorted,commercialized message across the country.  This message is divisive,  in that those who may have good intentions, desirous helping those who are perceived by them to be "less fortunate" often develop strategies which cause those whom they are trying to help, further harm.   

This approach adds to the stigmatization of those who experience traumatic interpersonal life events and extreme states, which manifest in a wide array of neuro-diversity; by determining that these conditions are evidence of brain diseases.  Those who are "advocated for" are separated out for special treatment which often does not include them, or the people whom they choose to support and advocate for them in it's planning.  This strategy of telling the public that "mental illness" is just like and other disease, was supposedly developed as an ant-stigma campaign, not because it was a fact, but it was believed that it would help 'stomp the stigma'.  Ten years into this effort to 'stomp the stigma', it has been reported in the American Journal of Psychiatry and in Science Direct, the compaign has failed to do what was intended---in fact it has made things worse.  Misinforming people will do that...

Those who are advocating for what they perceive to be in "The Seriously Mentally Ill's" best interest, are at a disadvantage of actually doing so if they ignore scientific evidence because it does not validate their agenda as thus far put forth and implemented. If the advocacy does not put forth the  agenda or concerns of the "seriously mentally ill" people themselves; or even acknowledge differing opinions and experiences among consumer/survivors, it will in fact continue to cause harm and the alienation of those most in need of kind, compassionate care and assistance.  The self-appointed advocates say they must take these actions due to the  "lack of insight" on the part of those who are in fact experiencing extreme states, to protect the general public from them.  There does appear to be a lack of insight, but it is on the part of advocates who do not understand that to truly advocate for another person, you must gain their trust, so the person or group of people one wishes to help will share what it is they need.  Then an advocate must put forth these stated needs as the agenda for which they are advocating.  To advocate for others does not mean determining what it is you think they need--without their input.

Thanks to the dedication of organizations like Mind Freedom International, Psychrights and the National Empowerment Center to name a few, and events such as The Alternatives conference, Psych Out, and Mad Pride Marches we are continuing to put forth a message of hope and recovery which many have found outside of the "traditional" mental health care system.  The basic message is that all need to be respected, validated and included in the Transformation process.  People need to be provided with  accurate information, based on research that is ethically done and reported; then supported in determining  what are the most appropriate services which would enable them to achieve recovery.  Collectively, and individually we will be heard, we will learn, and we will recover; if we support one another.

Learn about the history of MindFreedom and it's members who have been advocating for the civil rights of those harmed by the "standard practice" of psychiatry for decades.
Ask Why The FDA and Protection and Advocacy Systems, and Assigned Counsel Are Not Protecting Our Children, Our Elderly, Our Veterans and Those Court Ordered To Inpatient And Outpatient Treatment?
 Why is medical research, drug research paid for by the American people not online or readily accessible, so people can learn for themselves? 
Mental Health Transformation is about Transparency.  MindFreedom International   National Empowerment Center  Alliance For Human Research Protection

Psychiatric Rights & Wrongs

Met a new doctor today.  He looked me right in the eye and said it wasn't the drugs causing cognitive impairment. I stood up to leave. I have decided that I can not listen to any more lies or half truths told to me by a psychiatrist.

My son has been on three drugs that are known to cause exactly what is happening to his overall health--my son has been disabled by the drugs. When he was put on the drugs he takes daily, none of  threm were approved for pediatric use, or for the reasons recorded in his medical record for their prescription, a research psychiatrist. Billing Medicaid for them was fraud.

The year he turned 13 my son was given an obscene amount of drugs. Two of the neuroleptics trialed  were eventually approved for pediatric use in December 2009.  One still isn't approved for people under the age of 16, and that is the one he was put on at the highest dose when he was 13. The other two that have been daily meds since then as well; were  prescribed off label, for a purpose not FDA-approved, and fraudulently billed to Medicaid.

Prior to the being prescribed Clozapine--which is still not approved for adolescents under the age of 16;  he was prescribed 2 older antipsychotics, Moban, Thorazine, Abilify, Seroquel, Zyprexa, and Risperdal; at one time three of these neuroleptics were prescribed concurrently. He also was prescribed Cogentin for the horrifying negative effects.

Zyprexa and Seroquel were not approved until December 2009 for pediatric use. Depakote is not approved to use, "for aggression." The benzo?  Oh, that is a highly addictive anti-anxiety medication not approved to use to "control impulses," which is why it was prescribed to my son; it is also a drug that is recommended for short-term use only. Prior to his crisis in the summer of 2010, my son had been over several months slowly tapered off of it. It was a horrendous withdrawal, but he got through it.

When he was an inpatient as a result of his crisis, the quack who was his "attending" psychiatrist, Jeffery Jennings, decide he needed to be put back on it at twice the dose he had been withdrawn from!  He consulted no one--not my son's gp, his current treatment team, care provider/mother or his brother. The ducktor had this information: my son had been taken off the benzo to lessen the risk of additional cardiac damage; and he had the contact information for all of his current providers, his brother and myself; and yet he spoke to no one who knew Isaac in the eight days he "treated" him as an inpatient.  

Sometimes I feel like all of these events have broken my heart in ways that cannot heal. I believe in the power of love, and know that people recover in spite of tremendous odds. I believe in Divine Intervention and in the power of prayer. I know I will never stop doing what I can to help my son recover from the ongoing psychiatric assault he is experiencing; and that he has experienced the majority of his life. I hope he can regain some self-confidence. I hope he will have reason to one day trust people other than family. I hold onto hope, believing my son will come to know there is reason to. 

May Each And Every One Of Us: 
Shower The People 

Dec 20, 2010

Yakima Valley Systems Of Care: Who Is The Care For? logo
This blog is not affiliated with YVSOC

This is from the abstract of Yakima County's Proposal to get the 9 million dollar grant to change the mental health service system for children at risk of out of home placement or hospitalization due to SED.


The Yakima Valley Youth and Family Coalition will implement a single, integrated system of care to provide comprehensive, community-based mental health services and supports for all Yakima County youth, including the Yakama Nation, with SED and their families. Planning and implementation will be anchored with the Partnerships for Success (PfS) Community Planning Process and wraparound care coordination in accord with National Wraparound Initiative standards.  We will initially prioritize service to youth age 10-21 with SED and involvement in juvenile justice or child welfare systems, youth experiencing co-occurring challenges related to substance use and youth in transition, with specific focus on Native American and Hispanic youth. We anticipate expanding to preschool and school-age children in Years 5 and 6.

This grant was given to the county to change the mental health system.  The effort is to be driven by the community, not the County staff or Central Washington Comprehensive Mental Health staff.  We are two years into this effort and the general community has little to no idea.  Thus far, there has been virtually nothing in the local paper.  In two years since receiving the grant, there have been two pieces in the local paper, The Yakima Herald Republic.  Twice in two years, why is it so under wraps?  One of the times it was in the Unleashed section, written by local high school kids.  The kid who wrote the piece is the child of a Central Washington Comprehensive Mental Health administrator.

The project Yakima Valley Systems of Care has a Facebook page the following is the last several months of community events listed there:

There is no problem with having outreach events targeting gay youth.  However, I for one, question why this is the only type of community event that has taken place for months.  Gay youth are a portion of two other target groups this grant is primarily to serve, Hispanic and Native American youth.  In reality, they are only a segment of two larger groups of  the youth and families Systems of Care outreach activities are theoretically needing to reach; but the only group that Yakima County has had events for.

This grant is an opportunity for SED youth and their families, to transform for the better the services which will enable recovery from their difficulties.  It is obvious to me these people are still not effectively sought for their input on implementation of this grant.

It is also obvious to me that the print and television journalists have no interest in reporting violations of the public trust or mismanagement of mental health transformation funds.

The following link to the last article run relating to this grant in the Yakima Herald and the comments on the Yakima Herald in response to the story make it plain that there is a public interest story, and possibly one of fraud and corruption as well.

Yakima Herald Event targets stigmas on sexual orientation, mental illness

(update 3-5-2012) someone visited this page repeatedly yesterday which alerted me to the link to the Yakima Herald being broken; luckily the article and comments are available in the archive.
via KNDU

Journey of Self Discovery Conference in Yakima

YAKIMA, Wash. -- Yakima Valley System of Care and its partners will hold the first annual Journey of Self Discovery Conference on Saturday.
The conference will be an opportunity for adults and youth to learn more about the gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgender culture.
"Through Saturday's event, we're hoping to offer information and have a community resource available for individuals who are seeking additional information. Whether it be for personal reasons related to their own sexual identity. Or in support of those that they know, so that they can be a better support and ally in our community," said Gretchen Waschke, Project Director for Yakima Valley System of Care.
Several community members will be on hand to answer questions and provide information at the conference, including representatives from the local chapter of Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG), and the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI).
"Yakima County, as a community, is starting to recognize and realize that we need to have more resources available for all cultures, and all individuals in our community to promote health and wellness," said Waschke.
The Journey of Self Discovery Conference will be held at the Rainbow Cathedral MCC, 225 N. 2nd Street in Yakima. The free event is from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. Lunch will be provided. There will also be a dessert social and entertainment from 3 p.m. - 4 p.m. at the church.
For more information on the event and available resources, you can visit the Yakima Valley System of Care's Facebook page: or call (509) 574-2977.

Dec 17, 2010

Washington's Budget Crisis Takes Disproportionate Bite

I am fairly good at math and I can not see how the letter I received informing me of a 6.3% cut in hours was figured to means my hours were slashed by 13.046%.  That the budget calls for those who are State employees salaries to be slashed by 3%, seems less than equitable, by comparison.  My pay cut also means I will not qualify for medical coverage at all.

The cost of one of my son's medications, which is generic for goodness sake is $1004.49!  For a 30 day supply.  Why is a generic drug so expensive?  It has contributed to the decline of my son's health, not enabled recovery or wellness.

Gov. Gregoire proposes 2011–13 budget to transform state government

Dec 13, 2010

We Are Blessed

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

I was asked for an update on how my son is doing.  There have been no incidents, accidents or looming crisis to deal with.  Just life as it happens, moment by moment, one day at a time.  Isaac has been well and happy.  I have been doing the things that he leaves unfinished due to being distracted.  He noticed a few days ago, and asked, "Mom did you clean my room?"  I answered, "yes," without pointing out that I had been cleaning it for some time.  I just said yes.   He replied, "Thank you Mom."

He spends time with his brother on overnight visits, and likes watching movies with friends.

I spoke to Tony Sparber on December 9th to ask some questions about his investigation of my complaint on my son's behalf.  I was surprised to be asked by him why am I still upset after so much time has passed?  I was further surprised to be asked, is there a current crisis causing my distress?   There is no current crisis; my distress has to do with the fact that my son's rights were violated, crimes were committed by two mental health professionals.  Mr. Sparber's "investigation" was not anything more than regurgitated falsehoods from Central Washington Comprehensive Mental Health's electronic file of  the events.  Encyclopedia Brown or the Hardy Boys could have done a better job than Tony Sparber did of investigating.

Human Rights violations and felonies committed in which my son is the victim, are things that distress me.  So far, time does not take away the sting of betrayal nor does this pseudo-investigation appease my sense of outrage.  Mr. Sparber's report, which addresses none of the violations of the law that were reported to DSHS, does nothing but add insult to injury.

This is a link to the report written Oct. 27, 2010 in response to my August 10, 2010 complaint of my son's civil rights being violated by 2 employees of Central Washington Comprehensive Mental Health.
Here is a link to page 4 of Nancy Sherman's petition in which she declares crisis bed "Not Appropriate"

Here is a link to NAMI Washington site that advertises the crisis center run by Central Washington Comprehensive Mental Health.

Help a Mother Prevent Involuntary Commitment and Medication

UPDATE:  Today, Monday, March 14,  2011
Celebrating Siddharta's return  HOME!
And tomorrow we are having a celebration dinner!
Sadly he is heavily drugged after 5 months of  forced confinement in the hospital and the effects are of grave concern. It is our hope and prayer to help him recover while trying to keep him out of harm's way and the system's reach.

Cindi Fisher, a mother in Washington State is asking for help in preventing her son, Siddharta from being forced to stay at Western State psychiatric hospital for a 180 day commitment.  It is also standard practice to force medicate individuals who are committed.  Please take time to call or send an email in support of Cindi and Siddharta!  Here is a link to her website:


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